A Cryptographic Toolkit for Privacy-Enhanced Mail
Library Reference Manual
RSA Laboratories
March 2, 1992
Copyright (C) 1991-2 RSA Laboratories, a division of RSA Data
Security, Inc. All rights reserved.
This manual is a reference guide for users of RSAREF, a cryptographic
toolkit designed to facilitate rapid development of Internet
Privacy-Enhanced Mail (PEM) [1-3] implementations.
RSAREF supports the following PEM-specified algorithms:
- RSA encryption and key generation, as defined by RSA Data
Security's Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) [4]
- MD2 and MD5 message digests [3,5,6]
- DES (Data Encryption Standard) in cipher-block chaining mode
RSAREF is written entirely in C. Its application interface includes
the following routines:
R_SignPEMBlock computes a digital signature on a message
R_VerifyPEMSignature verifies a digital signature on a message
R_VerifyBlockSignature verifies a digital signature on a block of
data such as a certificate
R_SealPEMBlock computes a digital signature and encrypts a
R_OpenPEMBlock decrypts an encrypted message and verifies a
digital signature
R_DigestBlock computes a message digest on a message
R_GeneratePEMKeys generates an RSA public/private key pair
R_RandomInit initializes a random structure
R_RandomUpdate mixes bytes into a random structure
R_GetRandomBytesNeeded computes the number of mix-in bytes still
needed to seed a random structure
R_RandomFinal zeroizes a random structure
A simple PEM implementation can be built directly on top of these
routines, together with message parsing and formatting routines and
certificate-management routines.
This manual is divided into five main parts and three appendices.
This part introduces RSAREF. The next three parts explain RSAREF
procedures: random structures; cryptographic enhancements; and
key-pair generation. The last part documents the platform-specific
run-time library.
Appendix A lists RSAREF error types. Appendix B lists RSAREF types
and constants. Appendix C lists platform-specific types and
RSAREF is intended to be compatible with forthcoming revised versions
of the PEM RFCs, which are now in the unofficial "Internet-Draft"
A random structure contains a seed from which a pseudorandom sequence
of bytes is derived. RSAREF generates keys and pads RSA encryption
blocks with bytes derived from a random structure.
Random structures are used by both message-processing and
key-generation applications.
RSAREF initializes a random structure with the procedure
R_RandomInit. A typical application calls R_RandomInit on entry.
A new random structure is not ready for use until it is seeded by
mixing in some random bytes. RSAREF seeds a random structure with the
procedure R_RandomUpdate and R_GetRandomBytesNeeded. A random
structure is considered seeded when the number of bytes still needed
reaches zero. More bytes can be mixed in after the random structure
is seeded. A typical application calls R_GetRandomBytesNeeded and
R_RandomUpdate immediately after calling R_RandomInit.
RSAREF zeroizes a random structure with the procedure R_RandomFinal.
A typical application calls R_RandomFinal on exit.
int R_RandomInit (
R_RANDOM_STRUCT *randomStruct /* new random structure */
R_RandomInit initializes a new random structure, storing the result
in randomStruct.
Return value: 0 success
nonzero reserved for future compatibility
int R_RandomUpdate (
R_RANDOM_STRUCT *randomStruct, /* random structure */
unsigned char *block, /* block of values to mix in */
unsigned int blockLen /* length of block */
R_RandomUpdate mixes blockLen bytes from block into randomStruct.
Return value: 0 success
nonzero reserved for future compatibility
int R_GetRandomBytesNeeded (
unsigned int *bytesNeeded, /* number of mix-in bytes needed */
R_RANDOM_STRUCT *randomStruct /* random structure */
R_GetRandomBytesNeeded computes the number of mix-in bytes still
needed to seed randomStruct, storing the result in bytesNeeded.
Return value: 0 success
nonzero reserved for future compatibility
void R_RandomFinal (
R_RANDOM_STRUCT *randomStruct /* random structure */
R_RandomFinal zeroizes randomStruct.
No return value.
RSAREF applies cryptographic enhancements to messages with six
procedures: R_SignPEMBlock, R_VerifyPEMSignature,
R_VerifyBlockSignature, R_SealPEMBlock, R_OpenPEMBlock, and
The first five procedures are typically called by message-processing
applications. R_DigestBlock is typically called by key-generation
applications when computing the message digest of a prototype
certificate [2,9].
To sign a message, an application calls R_SignPEMBlock, giving these
- a pointer to the message content, and the message length
- an integer identifying which message-digest algorithm to apply
(MD2 or MD5)
- a flag indicating whether to encode the message in printable
ASCII according to RFC 1113
- the signer's RSA private key
R_SignPEMBlock signs the message with the signer's private key and
the specified message-digest algorithm, and optionally encodes the
message in printable ASCII. It returns the signature, possibly the
encoded message, and the status of the operation. The signature is
encoded according to RFC 1113.
To verify a signature on a message, an application calls
R_VerifyPEMSignature, giving these arguments:
- a pointer to the (possibly encoded) message, and the message
- a pointer to the signature, and the signature length
- an integer identifying which message-digest algorithm was applied
(MD2 or MD5)
- a flag indicating whether the message was encoded in printable
- the signer's RSA public key
R_VerifyPEMSignature decodes the message if it was encoded and
verifies the signature on the message with the signer's public key
and the specified message-digest algorithm. It returns the message
content if the message was encoded, and the status of the operation.
To verify a signature on a block of data such as a certificate where
the signature is not encoded in printable ASCII, an application calls
R_VerifyBlockSignature, giving these arguments:
- a pointer to the block, and the block length
- a pointer to the signature, and the signature length
- an integer identifying which message-digest algorithm was applied
(MD2 or MD5)
- the signer's RSA public key
R_VerifyBlockSignature verifies the signature on the message with the
signer's public key and the specified message-digest algorithm. It
returns the status of the operation.
To seal a message (sign and encrypt it), an application calls
R_SealPEMBlock, giving these arguments:
- a pointer to the message content, and the message length
- an integer identifying which message-digest algorithm to apply
(MD2 or MD5)
- the signer's RSA private key
- the recipient's RSA public key
R_SealPEMBlock signs the message with the signer's private key and
the specified message-digest algorithm, encrypts the message and the
signature with a random DES key, and encrypts the DES key with the
recipient's public key. It returns the encrypted message, the
encrypted key, the encrypted signature, the DES initialization
vector, and the status of the operation. The encrypted message, key,
and signature are encoded according to RFC 1113.
To open a message (decrypt it and verify its signature), an
application calls R_OpenPEMBlock, giving these arguments:
- a pointer to the encrypted message, and the encrypted message
- a pointer to the encrypted key, and the encrypted key length
- a pointer to the encrypted signature, and the encrypted signature
- a DES initialization vector
- an integer identifying which message-digest algorithm was applied
(MD2 or MD5)
- the signer's RSA public key
- the recipient's RSA private key
R_OpenPEMBlock decrypts the encrypted DES key with the recipient's
private key, decrypts the encrypted message and the encrypted
signature with the DES key, and verifies the signature on the message
with the signer's public key and the specified message-digest
algorithm. It returns the message content and the status of the
To digest a block of data such as a prototype certificate, an
application calls R_DigestBlock, giving these arguments:
- a pointer to the block, and the block length
- an integer identifying which message-digest algorithm to apply
(MD2 or MD5)
R_DigestBlock digests the block with the specified message-digest
algorithm. It returns the message digest and the status of the
DECRYPTED_CONTENT_LEN are macros that assist in determining the
maximum lengths of the results of cryptographic enhancements.
int R_SignPEMBlock (
unsigned char *encodedContent, /* encoded content */
unsigned int *encodedContentLen, /* length of encoded content */
unsigned char *encodedSignature, /* encoded signature */
unsigned int *encodedSignatureLen, /* length of encoded signature */
unsigned char *content, /* content */
unsigned int contentLen, /* length of content */
int recode, /* recoding flag */
int digestAlgorithm, /* message-digest algorithm */
R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *privateKey /* signer's RSA private key */
R_SignPEMBlock computes a digital signature on content. Specifically,
R_SignPEMBlock performs the following steps:
1. It digests content with digestAlgorithm, giving a message
2. It encrypts the message digest with privateKey, giving a
digital signature, and encodes the result in printable
ASCII according to RFC 1113, storing the encoding in
3. If recode is nonzero, it encodes content in printable ASCII,
storing the encoding in encodedContent.
If recode is nonzero, encodedContent will be an ASCII string, encoded
according to RFC 1113. (It will not contain any line delimiters; the
application must break the string into 64-character lines.)
encodedContentLen will not be greater than
ENCODED_CONTENT_LEN(contentLen). If recode is zero, encodedContent is
encodedSignature will be an ASCII string, encoded according to RFC
1113. encodedSignatureLen will not be greater than
digestAlgorithm is the algorithm by which the content is digested. It
must be DA_MD2, which indicates the MD2 message-digest algorithm, or
DA_MD5, which indicates the MD5 message-digest algorithm.
Return value: 0 success
RE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM digestAlgorithm is invalid
RE_PRIVATE_KEY privateKey cannot encrypt message digest
int R_VerifyPEMSignature (
unsigned char *content, /* content */
unsigned int *contentLen, /* length of content */
unsigned char *encodedContent, /* (possibly) encoded content */
unsigned int encodedContentLen, /* length of encoded content */
unsigned char *encodedSignature, /* encoded signature */
unsigned int encodedSignatureLen, /* length of encoded signature */
int recode, /* recoding flag */
int digestAlgorithm, /* message-digest algorithm */
R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *publicKey /* signer's RSA public key */
R_VerifyPEMSignature verifies a digital signature on a message. Its
operation is the inverse of R_SignPEMBlock. R_VerifyPEMSignature
operates on encodedSignature and encodedContent. If recode is
nonzero, it first decodes encodedContent according to RFC 1113, and
stores the result in content. If recode is zero, content is ignored.
If recode is nonzero, contentLen will not be greater than
Return value: 0 success
RE_CONTENT_ENCODING encodedContent has RFC 1113 encoding error
RE_SIGNATURE_ENCODING encodedSignature has RFC 1113 encoding error
RE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM digestAlgorithm is invalid
RE_PUBLIC_KEY publicKey cannot decrypt signature
RE_SIGNATURE signature on content is incorrect
int R_VerifyBlockSignature (
unsigned char *block, /* block */
unsigned int blockLen, /* length of block */
unsigned char *signature, /* signature */
unsigned int signatureLen, /* length of signature */
int digestAlgorithm, /* message-digest algorithm */
R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *publicKey /* signer's RSA public key */
R_VerifyBlockSignature verifies a digital signature on a block of
data such as a certificate. Its operation is similar to
R_VerifyPEMSignature, except that the block and signature are
arbitrary byte strings, rather than RFC 1113-encoded strings.
Return value: 0 success
RE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM digestAlgorithm is invalid
RE_PUBLIC_KEY publicKey cannot decrypt signature
RE_SIGNATURE signature on block is incorrect
int R_SealPEMBlock (
unsigned char *encryptedContent, /* encoded, encrypted content */
unsigned int *encryptedContentLen,
/* length of encoded, encrypted content */
unsigned char *encryptedKey, /* encoded, encrypted DES key */
unsigned int *encryptedKeyLen,
/* length of encoded, encrypted DES key */
unsigned char *encryptedSignature,/* encoded, encrypted signature */
unsigned int *encryptedSignatureLen,
/* length of encoded, encrypted signature */
unsigned char iv[8], /* DES initializing vector */
unsigned char *content, /* content */
unsigned int contentLen, /* length of content */
int digestAlgorithm, /* message-digest algorithm */
R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *publicKey, /* recipient's RSA public key */
R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *privateKey, /* signer's RSA private key */
R_RANDOM_STRUCT *randomStruct /* random structure */
R_SealPEMBlock computes a digital signature on content then encrypts
the content and the signature. Specifically, R_SealPEMBlock performs
the following steps:
1. It digests content with digestAlgorithm, giving a message
2. It encrypts the message digest with privateKey, giving a
digital signature.
3. It generates a random DES key and initializing vector,
storing the initializing vector in iv.
4. It encrypts content with the DES key and initializing vector
in cipher-block chaining mode, and encodes the result in
printable ASCII according to RFC 1113, storing the encoding
in encryptedContent.
5. It encrypts the DES key with publicKey and encodes the
result in printable ASCII, storing the encoding in
6. It encrypts the digital signature with the DES key and
initializing vector, and encodes the result in printable
ASCII, storing the encoding in encryptedSignature.
encryptedContent will be an ASCII string, encoded according to RFC
1113. (It will not contain any line delimiters; the application must
break the string into 64-character lines.) encryptedContentLen will
not be greater than ENCRYPTED_CONTENT_LEN(contentLen).
encryptedKey and encryptedSignature will be ASCII strings, encoded
according to RFC 1113. encryptedKeyLen will not be greater than
MAX_PEM_ENCRYPTED_KEY_LEN. encryptedSignatureLen will not be greater
digestAlgorithm is the algorithm by which the content is digested. It
must be DA_MD2, which indicates the MD2 message-digest algorithm, or
DA_MD5, which indicates the MD5 message-digest algorithm.
randomStruct must have been seeded.
Return value: 0 success
RE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM digestAlgorithm is invalid
RE_PRIVATE_KEY privateKey cannot encrypt message digest
RE_PUBLIC_KEY publicKey cannot encrypt DES key
RE_NEED_RANDOM randomStruct is not seeded
int R_OpenPEMBlock (
unsigned char *content, /* content */
unsigned int *contentLen, /* length of content */
unsigned char *encryptedContent, /* encoded, encrypted content */
unsigned int encryptedContentLen,
/* length of encoded, encrypted content */
unsigned char *encryptedKey, /* encoded, encrypted DES key */
unsigned int encryptedKeyLen,
/* length of encoded, encrypted DES key */
unsigned char *encryptedSignature,/* encoded, encrypted signature */
unsigned int encryptedSignatureLen,
/* length of encoded, encrypted signature */
unsigned char iv[8], /* DES initializing vector */
int digestAlgorithm, /* message-digest algorithm */
R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *privateKey, /* recipient's RSA private key */
R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *publicKey /* signer's RSA public key */
R_OpenPEMBlock decrypts an encrypted message and verifies a digital
signature. Its operation is the inverse of R_SealPEMBlock.
contentLen will not be greater than
Return value: 0 success
RE_CONTENT_ENCODING encryptedContent has RFC 1113 encoding error
RE_KEY_ENCODING encryptedKey has RFC 1113 encoding error
RE_SIGNATURE_ENCODING encryptedSignature has RFC 1113 encoding
RE_PUBLIC_KEY publicKey cannot decrypt signature
RE_PRIVATE_KEY privateKey cannot decrypt encrypted key
RE_KEY recovered DES key cannot decrypt encrypted
content or encrypted signature
RE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM digestAlgorithm is invalid
RE_SIGNATURE signature on content is incorrect
int R_DigestBlock (
unsigned char *digest, /* message digest */
unsigned int *digestLen, /* length of message digest */
unsigned char *content, /* content */
unsigned int contentLen, /* length of content */
int digestAlgorithm /* message-digest algorithm */
R_DigestBlock computes a message digest on content, storing the
resulting message digest in digest and its length in digestLen.
digestAlgorithm is the algorithm by which the content is digested. It
must be DA_MD2, which indicates the MD2 message-digest algorithm, or
DA_MD5, which indicates the MD5 message-digest algorithm.
digestLen will not be greater than MAX_DIGEST_LEN.
Return value: 0 success
RE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM digestAlgorithm is invalid
RSAREF generates key pairs with the procedure R_GeneratePEMKeys.
R_GeneratePEMKeys is typically called by key generation applications.
To generate a new key pair, an application calls R_GeneratePEMKeys,
giving the length of the modulus, the choice of exponent (F4 or F0),
and a random structure. R_GeneratePEMKeys generates an RSA key pair
and returns the status of the operation.
int R_GeneratePEMKeys (
R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY *publicKey, /* new RSA public key */
R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY *privateKey, /* new RSA private key */
R_RSA_PROTO_KEY *protoKey, /* RSA prototype key */
R_RANDOM_STRUCT *randomStruct /* random structure */
R_GeneratePEMKeys generates a random RSA key pair, storing the
resulting RSA public key in publicKey and the resulting RSA private
key in privateKey.
Other parameters are as follows:
protoKey The RSA prototype key specifying the length
in bits of the RSA modulus and the public
exponent. (See Appendix B.)
randomStruct Random structure from which the key pair is
derived. It must have been seeded.
Return value: 0 success
RE_MODULUS_LEN modulus length invalid
RE_NEED_RANDOM randomStruct is not seeded
RSAREF operates on memory blocks with three platform-specific library
procedures that are modeled after conventional C library functions:
R_memcmp compares two blocks of memory
R_memcpy copies a block of memory
R_memset sets a block of memory to a given value
These procedures can be found in the file 'r_stdlib.c'.
int R_memcmp (
POINTER firstBlock, /* first block */
POINTER secondBlock, /* second block */
unsigned int len /* length of blocks */
R_memcmp compares the first len bytes of firstBlock and secondBlock.
The value of len can be zero, in which case firstBlock and secondBlock
are undefined and R_memcmp returns 0. R_memcmp compares the blocks by
scanning the blocks from lowest address to highest until a difference
is found. The smaller-valued block is the one with the smaller-valued
byte at the point of difference. If no difference is found, the
blocks are equal.
Return value: < 0 firstBlock is smaller
0 blocks are equal
> 0 firstBlock is larger
void R_memcpy (
POINTER output, /* output block */
POINTER input, /* input block */
unsigned int len /* length of blocks */
R_memcpy copies the first len bytes of input to output. The value of
len can be zero, in which output and input are undefined. The blocks
do not overlap.
No return value.
void R_memset (
POINTER output, /* output block */
int value, /* value */
unsigned int len /* length of block */
R_memset sets the first len bytes of output to value. The value of
len is zero, in which case output is undefined.
No return value.
This appendix lists RSAREF's error types.
RE_CONTENT_ENCODING content or encrypted content has RFC 1113
encoding error
RE_DIGEST_ALGORITHM message-digest algorithm is invalid
RE_KEY recovered DES key cannot decrypt encrypted
content or encrypted signature
RE_KEY_ENCODING encrypted key has RFC 1113 encoding error
RE_MODULUS_LEN modulus length is invalid
RE_NEED_RANDOM random structure is not seeded
RE_PRIVATE_KEY private key cannot encrypt message digest,
or cannot decrypt encrypted key
RE_PUBLIC_KEY public key cannot encrypt DES key, or cannot
decrypt signature
RE_SIGNATURE signature on content or block is incorrect
RE_SIGNATURE_ENCODING signature or encrypted signature has RFC 1113
encoding error
This appendix lists three RSAREF types: R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY,
typedef struct {
unsigned int bits; /* length in bits of modulus */
unsigned char modulus[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN]; /* modulus */
unsigned char exponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN]; /* public exponent */
An R_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY value is a structure specifying an RSA public key.
There are three fields:
bits length in bits of the modulus (not less than
MIN_RSA_MODULUS_BITS and not greater than
modulus modulus n, represented as a
MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN-byte number, most
significant byte first, as many leading zero
bytes as necessary
exponent public exponent e, represented like modulus
typedef struct {
unsigned int bits; /* length in bits of modulus */
unsigned char modulus[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN]; /* modulus */
unsigned char publicExponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN];
/* public exponent */
unsigned char exponent[MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN]; /* private exponent */
unsigned char prime[2][MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN]; /* prime factors */
unsigned char primeExponent[2][MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN];
/* exponents for CRT */
unsigned char coefficient[MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN]; /* CRT coefficient */
An R_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY value is a structure specifying an RSA private
key. There are seven fields:
bits length in bits of the modulus (not less than
MIN_RSA_MODULUS_BITS and not greater than
modulus modulus n, represented as a
MAX_RSA_MODULUS_LEN-byte number, most
significant byte first, as many leading zero
bytes as necessary
publicExponent public exponent e, represented like modulus
exponent private exponent d, represented like modulus
prime prime factors p and q of modulus, each
represented as MAX_RSA_PRIME_LEN-byte
numbers, most significant byte first, as
many leading zero bytes as necessary, where
p > q
primeExponents exponents (d mod p-1) and (d mod q-1) for
Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) operations,
each represented like prime factors
coefficient coefficient (q^{-1} mod p) for Chinese
remainder theorem operations, represented
like prime factors
/* RSA prototype key.
typedef struct {
unsigned int bits; /* length in bits of modulus */
int useFermat4; /* public exponent (1 = F4, 0 = 3) */
An R_RSA_PROTO_KEY value is a structure specifying the length in bits
of the RSA modulus and the public exponent for key-pair generation.
There are two fields:
bits length in bits of the modulus (not less than
MIN_RSA_MODULUS_BITS and not greater than
useFermat4 a flag specifying the public exponent. If
nonzero, it specifies F4 (65537); if 0, F0
This appendix lists three platform-specific types and one #define'd
RSAREF requires three platform-specific types: POINTER, UINT2, and
UINT4. These are defined in the file 'global.h'.
A POINTER value is a generic pointer to memory to which any other
pointer can be cast.
typedef unsigned char *POINTER;
A UINT2 value is a 16-bit unsigned integer.
typedef unsigned short int UINT2;
A UINT4 value is a 32-bit unsigned integer.
typedef unsigned long int UINT4;
RSAREF requires one #define'd constant: PROTOTYPES. This is defined
in the 'makefile' on the C compiler command line.
PROTOTYPES indicates the form that C function declarations are to
take. If PROTOTYPES is nonzero, declarations take the form
type function (type, ..., type);
Otherwise declarations take the form
type function ();
[1] J. Linn. RFC 1113: Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
Mail: Part I -- Message Encipherment and Authentication
Procedures. Internet Activities Board, August 1989.
[2] S. Kent and J. Linn. RFC 1114: Privacy Enhancement for Internet
Electronic Mail: Part II -- Certificate-Based Key Management.
Internet Activities Board, August 1989.
[3] J. Linn. RFC 1115: Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
Mail: Part III -- Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers. Internet
Activities Board, August 1989.
[4] RSA Data Security, Inc. PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard. Version
1.4, June 1991. Also published as NIST/OSI Implementors Workshop
SEC-SIG-91-18, June 1991. (Available by anonymous FTP from
'' as 'pub/pkcs/'.)
[5] B.S. Kaliski Jr. The MD2 Message-Digest Algorithm. July 1, 1991.
(Available by anonymous FTP from '' as 'pub/md2.doc'.)
[6] Ronald L. Rivest. The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm. In
preparation. (Earlier version available by anonymous FTP from
'' as 'pub/md5.doc'.)
[7] National Bureau of Standards. FIPS Publication 46-1: Data
Encryption Standard. January 1988.
[8] National Bureau of Standards. FIPS Publication 81: DES Modes of
Operation. December 1980.
[9] B.S. Kaliski Jr. Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
Mail: Part IV: Notary, Co-Issuer, CRL-Storing, and
CRL-Retrieving Services. Draft, July 1, 1991. (Available by
anonymous FTP from '' as 'pub/forms.doc'.)