RDEMO Test Scripts
RSA Laboratories
March 2, 1992
RDEMO comes with several test scripts that test RSAREF cryptographic
operations of various key sizes.
The test scripts are: '508test.in', '512test.in', '767test.in',
'1024test.in', and 'md2test.in'. The scripts consists of RDEMO
commands. To exercise a script, redirect RDEMO's input to the script.
For example, on a UNIX system you would run the command
rdemo < 508test.in
to exercise the test script '508test.in'.
The scripts work with a number of input files. Each script also
produces output files that you can compare against reference files
supplied with RDEMO.
See the file 'rdemo.txt' in the 'doc' subdirectory for more on the
demonstration program.
'508test.in' script
1. Generates a 508-bit RSA key pair.
2. Outputs key to '508key.out' - compare to '508key'.
3. Verifies signature '508sig' on 'signfile' with 508-bit
public key.
4. Opens envelope '508env' (signature '508env.sig', encrypted
key '508env.key', initialization vector '508env.iv') with
508-bit private key, built-in user #1 private key. Outputs
result to '508env.out' - read to verify.
'512test.in' script
1. Verifies signature '512sig' on 'signfile' with built-in
user #1 public key.
2. Opens envelope '512env' (encrypted signature '512env.sig',
encrypted key '512env.key', initialization vector
'512env.iv') with built-in user #1 private key, built-in
user #2 public key. Outputs result to '512env.out' - read
to verify.
'767test.in' and '1024test.in'
Same as '508test.in', except that '508' becomes '767' or '1024'.
Verifies signature '512sig.md2' on 'signfile' with built-in user
#1 public key. Run RDEMO with the '-2' flag for this script.