Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/cinap_lenrek/linuxemu3/linuxemu.acid

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_asmlines = 30;

defn xasm(addr)
	local bound;

	bound = fnbound(addr);

	addr = fmt(addr, 'i');
	loop 1,_asmlines do {
		print(fmt(addr, 'a'), " ", fmt(addr, 'X'));
		print("\t", *addr++, "\n");
		if bound != {} && addr > bound[1] then {
			lasmaddr = addr;
			return {};
	lasmaddr = addr;

defn xcasm()

defn Current()
	return **pcurrent;

defn pidhash(pid)
	return (pid - 1) % MAXPROC;

defn uprocn(n)
	p=proctab.proc + n*sizeofUproc;
	complex Uproc p;
	if p.tid > 0 then
		return p;
	return 0;

defn uproc(tid)
	if tid > 0 then {
		p = proctab.proc + pidhash(tid) * sizeofUproc;
		complex Uproc p;
		if p.tid == tid then
			return p;
	return 0;

defn umem(p)
	local x, m, s, a, l, f;
	complex Uproc p;

	m = p.mem;
	complex Space m;

	x = 0;
	loop 1,SEGMAX do {
		s = m.seg[x];
		if s then {
			complex Seg s;

			a = s.areas;
			l = 0;
			complex Area a;

			print(s.addr.base\X, "-",\X, " < ", s.limit\X, "\t");
			mem(segname[x], "s");
			while a do {
				if l && < a.addr.base then {
					print(\X, "-", a.addr.base\X, "\t*FREE*\n");
				print(a.addr.base\X, "-",\X, "\t", a.prot\X, "\t");
				f = a.filemap;
				complex Filemap f;
				if f then {
					print(f.offset\X, "@");
					mem(f.path, "s");
				} else {
				l = a;
				a =;
		x = x + 1;

defn addr2area(p, addr)
	local m, s, a, x;
	complex Uproc p;

	m = p.mem;
	complex Space m;

	x = 0;
	loop 1,SEGMAX do {
		s = m.seg[x];
		if s then {
			complex Seg s;

			a = s.areas;
			complex Area a;

			while a do {
				if addr >= a.addr.base  && addr < then {
					return a;
				a =;
		x = x+1;
	return 0;

defn ustk()
	local p, pc, sp, a, f, o;

	p = Current();

	pc = p.ureg.pc\X;
	sp = p.ureg.bp\X;

	while sp do {
		print(sp, "\t");
		a = addr2area(p, pc);
		if a && a.filemap then {
			f = a.filemap;
			complex Filemap f;

			o = f.offset + (pc - a.addr.base);

			print(pc, "\t", o\X, "@");
			mem(f.path, "s");
		} else {
			print(pc, "\n");
		sp = sp[0];
		pc = sp[1];

defn utrace(p)
	local t, i, x, s;
	complex Uproc p;

	t = p.trace;
	complex Tracebuf t;

	if t then {
		i = t.wp;
		loop 1,256 do {
			s = t.lines + ((i % 256) * 80);
			mem(s, "s");
			i = i + 1;

defn ufds(p)
	local t, d, i, f;
	complex Uproc p;

	t = p.fdtab;
	complex Fdtab t;

	print("count=", t.nfd\D, "\n");
	i = 0;
	loop 1,t.nfd do {
		d = t.fd + (i * sizeofFd);
		complex Fd d;

		if d.file then {
			f = d.file;
			complex Ufile f;

			print("[", i\D, "]\tfile=", f\X, ", flags=", d.flags\D, " ref=", f.ref, " mode=", f.mode\X, " dev=",\D);
			if f.fd >= 0 then {
				print(" fd=", f.fd\D);
			if f.path then {
				print(" path=");
				mem(f.path, "s");
			} else {
		i = i + 1;

defn uprocs()
	loop 1,MAXPROC do {
		if p then {
			print("[", i\D, "] ", p\X, " state=", p.state, " pid=",, " tid=", p.tid, " ppid=", p.ppid," pgrp=", p.pgid, " wstate=", p.wstate, " kpid=", p.kpid, " syscall=");
			mem(p.syscall, "s");
		i = i + 1;

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