Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/cnielsen/bladeenc/l3bitstream.c

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
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			(c) Copyright 1998-2000 - Tord Jansson

		This file is part of the BladeEnc MP3 Encoder, based on
		ISO's reference code for MPEG Layer 3 compression, and might
		contain smaller or larger sections that are directly taken
		from ISO's reference code.

		All changes to the ISO reference code herein are either
		copyrighted by Tord Jansson (
		or sublicensed to Tord Jansson by a third party.

	BladeEnc is free software; you can redistribute this file
	and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
	License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
	version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

	------------    Changes    ------------

	2000-12-04  Andre Piotrowski

	-	redesigned, reformatted, slightly optimized

#include	<stdlib.h>
#include	<assert.h>

#include	"system.h"
#include	"common.h"

#include	"l3psy.h"
#include	"loop.h"
#include	"formatbitstream2.h"
#include	"huffman.h"

#include	"l3bitstream.h" /* the public interface */
#include	"l3bitstream-pvt.h"

static	int				stereo = 1;
static	frame_params	*fr_ps  = NULL;

static	int				PartHoldersInitialized = 0;

static	BitHolder		       *headerPH;
static	BitHolder		      *frameSIPH;
static	BitHolder		    *channelSIPH[MAX_CHANNELS];
static	BitHolder		   *spectrumSIPH[MAX_GRANULES][MAX_CHANNELS];
static	BitHolder		 *scaleFactorsPH[MAX_GRANULES][MAX_CHANNELS];
static	BitHolder		    *codedDataPH[MAX_GRANULES][MAX_CHANNELS];
static	BitHolder		 *userSpectrumPH[MAX_GRANULES][MAX_CHANNELS];
static	BitHolder		*userFrameDataPH;

static	BF_FrameData	sFrameData;
static	BF_FrameResults	sFrameResults;


	This is called after a frame of audio has been quantized and coded.
	It will write the encoded audio to the bitstream. Note that
	from a layer3 encoder's perspective the bit stream is primarily
	a series of main_data() blocks, with header and side information
	inserted at the proper locations to maintain framing. (See Figure A.7
	in the IS).

void					III_format_bitstream
	int						bitsPerFrame,
	frame_params			*in_fr_ps,
	int						l3_enc[2][2][576],
	III_side_info_t			*l3_side,
	III_scalefac_t			*scalefac,
	double					(*xr)[2][576],
	char					*ancillary,
	int						ancillary_bits
	int						gr, ch, i, mode_gr;

	fr_ps = in_fr_ps;
	stereo = fr_ps->stereo;
	mode_gr = 2;

	if (!PartHoldersInitialized)
		 headerPH = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.header, 16*2);
		frameSIPH = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.frameSI, 4*2);

		for (ch = 0;  ch < MAX_CHANNELS;  ch++)
			channelSIPH[ch] = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.channelSI[ch], 8*2);

		for (gr = 0;  gr < MAX_GRANULES;  gr++)
			for (ch = 0;  ch < MAX_CHANNELS;  ch++)
				  spectrumSIPH[gr][ch] = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.  spectrumSI[gr][ch],  32*2);
				scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch] = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.scaleFactors[gr][ch],  64*2);
				   codedDataPH[gr][ch] = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.   codedData[gr][ch], 576*2);
				userSpectrumPH[gr][ch] = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.userSpectrum[gr][ch],   4*2);
		userFrameDataPH = initBitHolder (&sFrameData.userFrameData, 8*2);

		PartHoldersInitialized = 1;

#if 1
	for (gr = 0;  gr < mode_gr;  gr++)
		for (ch = 0;  ch < stereo;  ch++)
			int						*pi = &l3_enc[gr][ch][0];
			double					*pr =     &xr[gr][ch][0];

			for (i = 0;  i < 576;  i++, pr++, pi++)
				if (*pr < 0  &&  *pi > 0)
					*pi *= -1;

	encodeSideInfo (l3_side);
	encodeMainData (l3_enc, l3_side, scalefac);
	write_ancillary_data (ancillary, ancillary_bits);

	if (l3_side->resvDrain)
		drain_into_ancillary_data (l3_side->resvDrain);

	sFrameData.frameLength = bitsPerFrame;
	sFrameData.nGranules   = mode_gr;
	sFrameData.nChannels   = stereo;

	writeFrame (&sFrameData, &sFrameResults);

	/* we set this here -- it will be tested in the next loops iteration */
	l3_side->main_data_begin = sFrameResults.nextBackPtr;

void					III_FlushBitstream (void)
	int						gr, ch;

	if (PartHoldersInitialized)
		exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.header);
		exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.frameSI);

		for (ch = 0;  ch < MAX_CHANNELS;  ch++)
			exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.channelSI[ch]);

		for (gr = 0;  gr < MAX_GRANULES;  gr++)
			for (ch = 0;  ch < MAX_CHANNELS;  ch++)
				exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.  spectrumSI[gr][ch]);
				exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.scaleFactors[gr][ch]);
				exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.   codedData[gr][ch]);
				exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.userSpectrum[gr][ch]);
		exitBitHolder (&sFrameData.userFrameData);

		PartHoldersInitialized = 0;

	/* BF_FlushBitstream (frameData, frameResults); */

static	unsigned		slen1_tab[16] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4 };
static	unsigned		slen2_tab[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3 };

static	void			encodeMainData
	int						l3_enc[2][2][576],
	III_side_info_t			*side_info,
	III_scalefac_t			*scalefac
	int						gr, ch, sfb, b, mode_gr;

	mode_gr = 2;

	for (gr = 0;  gr < mode_gr;  gr++)
		for (ch = 0;  ch < stereo;  ch++)
			scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch]->nrEntries = 0;

	for (gr = 0;  gr < mode_gr;  gr++)
		for (ch = 0;  ch < stereo;  ch++)
			codedDataPH[gr][ch]->nrEntries = 0;

	for (gr = 0;  gr < 2;  gr++)
		for (ch = 0;  ch < stereo;  ch++)
			BitHolder				*ph = scaleFactorsPH[gr][ch];		
			gr_info					*cod_info = &side_info->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt;
			unsigned				slen1 = slen1_tab[cod_info->scalefac_compress];
			unsigned				slen2 = slen2_tab[cod_info->scalefac_compress];
			int						*ix = &l3_enc[gr][ch][0];

			if (cod_info->window_switching_flag  &&  cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE)
				if (cod_info->mixed_block_flag)
					for (sfb = 0;  sfb < 8;  sfb++)
						addBits (ph, scalefac->l[gr][ch][sfb], slen1);

					for (sfb = 3;  sfb < 6;  sfb++)
						for (b = 0;  b < 3;  b++)
							addBits (ph, scalefac->s[gr][ch][sfb][b], slen1);
					for (sfb = 0;  sfb < 6;  sfb++)
						for (b = 0;  b < 3;  b++)
							addBits (ph, scalefac->s[gr][ch][sfb][b], slen1);

				for (sfb = 6;  sfb < 12;  sfb++)
					for (b = 0;  b < 3;  b++)
						addBits (ph, scalefac->s[gr][ch][sfb][b], slen2);
			else if (gr == 0)
				for (sfb = 0;  sfb < 11;  sfb++)
					addBits (ph, scalefac->l[gr][ch][sfb], slen1);

				for (sfb = 11;  sfb < 21;  sfb++)
					addBits (ph, scalefac->l[gr][ch][sfb], slen2);
				if (!side_info->scfsi[ch][0])
					for (sfb = 0;  sfb < 6;  sfb++)
						addBits (ph, scalefac->l[gr][ch][sfb], slen1);

				if (!side_info->scfsi[ch][1])
					for (sfb = 6;  sfb < 11;  sfb++)
						addBits (ph, scalefac->l[gr][ch][sfb], slen1);

				if (!side_info->scfsi[ch][2])
					for (sfb = 11;  sfb < 16;  sfb++)
						addBits (ph, scalefac->l[gr][ch][sfb], slen2);

				if (!side_info->scfsi[ch][3])
					for (sfb = 16;  sfb < 21;  sfb++)
						addBits (ph, scalefac->l[gr][ch][sfb], slen2);

			Huffmancodebits (codedDataPH[gr][ch], ix, cod_info);
		} /* for ch */
	} /* for gr */
} /* main_data */

/*____ encodeSideInfo() _____________________________________________________*/

static	int				encodeSideInfo (III_side_info_t *side_info)
	int						gr, ch, scfsi_band, region, b, bits_sent, mode_gr;
	layer					*info = fr_ps->header;

	mode_gr =  2;

	headerPH->nrEntries = 0;

	addBits (headerPH, 0xfff                   , 12);
	addBits (headerPH, 1                       ,  1);
	addBits (headerPH, 4 - 3                   ,  2);   /* 4 - Layer */
	addBits (headerPH, !info->error_protection ,  1);
	addBits (headerPH, info->bitrate_index     ,  4);
	addBits (headerPH, info->sampling_frequency,  2);
	addBits (headerPH, info->padding           ,  1);
	addBits (headerPH, info->extension         ,  1);
	addBits (headerPH, info->mode              ,  2);
	addBits (headerPH, info->mode_ext          ,  2);
	addBits (headerPH, info->copyright         ,  1);
	addBits (headerPH, info->original          ,  1);
	addBits (headerPH, info->emphasis          ,  2);

	bits_sent = 32;

	if (info->error_protection)
		addBits (headerPH, 0, 16);   /* Just a dummy add. Real CRC calculated & inserted in writeSideInfo() */
		bits_sent += 16;

	frameSIPH->nrEntries = 0;

	addBits (frameSIPH, side_info->main_data_begin, 9);

	if (stereo == 2)
		addBits (frameSIPH, side_info->private_bits, 3);
		addBits (frameSIPH, side_info->private_bits, 5);

	for (ch = 0;  ch < stereo;  ch++)
		BitHolder				*ph = channelSIPH[ch];

		ph->nrEntries = 0;

		for (scfsi_band = 0;  scfsi_band < 4;  scfsi_band++)
			addBits (ph, side_info->scfsi[ch][scfsi_band], 1);

	for (gr = 0;  gr < 2;  gr++)
		for (ch = 0;  ch < stereo;  ch++)
			BitHolder				*ph = spectrumSIPH[gr][ch];
			gr_info					*cod_info = &side_info->gr[gr].ch[ch].tt;

			ph->nrEntries = 0;

			addBits (ph, cod_info->part2_3_length       , 12);
			addBits (ph, cod_info->big_values           ,  9);
			addBits (ph, cod_info->global_gain          ,  8);
			addBits (ph, cod_info->scalefac_compress    ,  4);
			addBits (ph, cod_info->window_switching_flag,  1);

			if (cod_info->window_switching_flag)
				addBits (ph, cod_info->block_type      , 2);
				addBits (ph, cod_info->mixed_block_flag, 1);

				for (region = 0; region < 2; region++)
					addBits (ph, cod_info->table_select[region], 5);

				for (b = 0;  b < 3;  b++)
					addBits (ph, cod_info->subblock_gain[b], 3);
				for (region = 0; region < 3; region++)
					addBits (ph, cod_info->table_select[region], 5);

				addBits (ph, cod_info->region0_count, 4);
				addBits (ph, cod_info->region1_count, 3);

			addBits (ph, cod_info->preflag           , 1);
			addBits (ph, cod_info->scalefac_scale    , 1);
			addBits (ph, cod_info->count1table_select, 1);

	if (stereo == 2)
		bits_sent += 256;
		bits_sent += 136;

	return bits_sent;

/*____ write_ancillary_data() _______________________________________________*/

static	void			write_ancillary_data
	char					*theData,
	int						lengthInBits
	int						bytesToSend   = lengthInBits / 8;
	int						remainingBits = lengthInBits % 8;
	unsigned				wrd;

	userFrameDataPH->nrEntries = 0;

	while (bytesToSend--)
		wrd = *theData++;
		addBits (userFrameDataPH, wrd, 8);
	if (remainingBits)
		/* right-justify remaining bits */
		wrd = *theData >> (8 - remainingBits);
		addBits (userFrameDataPH, wrd, remainingBits);

	Some combinations of bitrate, Fs, and stereo make it impossible to stuff
	out a frame using just main_data, due to the limited number of bits to
	indicate main_data_length. In these situations, we put stuffing bits into
	the ancillary data...
static	void			drain_into_ancillary_data (int lengthInBits)
	int						wordsToSend   = lengthInBits / 32;
	int						remainingBits = lengthInBits % 32;

		userFrameDataPH->part->nrEntries set by call to write_ancillary_data()

	while (wordsToSend--)
		addBits (userFrameDataPH, 0, 32);
	if (remainingBits)
		addBits (userFrameDataPH, 0, remainingBits); 

	Note the discussion of huffmancodebits() on pages 28
	and 29 of the IS, as well as the definitions of the side
	information on pages 26 and 27.
static	void			Huffmancodebits
	BitHolder				*ph,
	int						*ix,
	gr_info					*cod_info
	int						sfb, window, line, start, end;
	int						stuffingBits, table;

	int						bitsWritten = 0;
	int						bigvalues   = cod_info->big_values * 2;

		Within each scalefactor band, data is given for successive time windows,
		beginning with window 0 and ending with window 2 (in case of short blocks!
		--- there is only one long block window). Within each window, the quantized
		values are then arranged in order of increasing frequency...

	/* 1: Write the bigvalues */
	if (bigvalues)
		if (cod_info->window_switching_flag  &&  (cod_info->block_type == SHORT_TYPE))
			int							(*ix_s)[3] = (int (*)[3]) ix;
			int							*scalefac = &sfBandIndex[fr_ps->header->sampling_frequency].s[0];

			table = cod_info->table_select[0];
			if (table)
				if (cod_info->mixed_block_flag)  /* Mixed blocks long, short */
					for (line=0; line<36; line+=2)   /* cod_info->address1 = 36 */
						bitsWritten += writeHuffmanCode (ph, table, ix[line], ix[line+1]);
					for (sfb=0; sfb<3; sfb++)   /* (cod_info->region0_count + 1) / 3 = 3 */
						start = scalefac[sfb];
						end   = scalefac[sfb+1];

						for (window=0; window<3; window++)
							for (line=start; line<end; line+=2)
								bitsWritten += writeHuffmanCode (ph, table, ix_s[line][window], ix_s[line+1][window]);

			table = cod_info->table_select[1];
			if (table)
				for (sfb=3; sfb<SFB_SMAX; sfb++)   /* scalefac[3] = 12 --- 12*3 = 36 */
					start = scalefac[sfb];
					end   = scalefac[sfb+1]; 

					for (window=0; window<3; window++)
						for (line=start; line<end; line+=2)
							bitsWritten += writeHuffmanCode (ph, table, ix_s[line][window], ix_s[line+1][window]);
		else   /* Long blocks */
			int							region1Start = (cod_info->address1 > bigvalues) ? bigvalues : cod_info->address1;
			int							region2Start = (cod_info->address2 > bigvalues) ? bigvalues : cod_info->address2;

			table = cod_info->table_select[0];
			if (table)
				for (line=0; line<region1Start; line+=2)
					bitsWritten += writeHuffmanCode (ph, table, ix[line], ix[line+1]);

			table = cod_info->table_select[1];
			if (table)
				for (line=region1Start; line<region2Start; line+=2)
					bitsWritten += writeHuffmanCode (ph, table, ix[line], ix[line+1]);

			table = cod_info->table_select[2];
			if (table)
				for (line=region2Start; line<bigvalues; line+=2)
					bitsWritten += writeHuffmanCode (ph, table, ix[line], ix[line+1]);

	/* 2: Write count1 area */
	if (cod_info->count1)
		struct huffcodetab		*h = ht + (cod_info->count1table_select + 32);

		int						*pos = ix + bigvalues;
		int						*end = ix + bigvalues + (cod_info->count1 * 4);

		while (pos < end)
			int						len, v, w, x, y;
			int						bits = 0;
			int						p    = 0;

			v = *pos++;  if (v)  bits++, p |= 1;
			w = *pos++;  if (w)  bits++, p |= 2;
			x = *pos++;  if (x)  bits++, p |= 4;
			y = *pos++;  if (y)  bits++, p |= 8;

			addBits (ph, h->table[p], len = h->hlen[p]);

			if (v)  addBits (ph, v<0, 1);
			if (w)  addBits (ph, w<0, 1);
			if (x)  addBits (ph, x<0, 1);
			if (y)  addBits (ph, y<0, 1);

			bitsWritten += bits+len;

	stuffingBits = cod_info->part2_3_length - cod_info->part2_length - bitsWritten;
	if (stuffingBits)
		int						stuffingWords = stuffingBits / 32;
		int						remainingBits = stuffingBits % 32;

			Due to the nature of the Huffman code
			tables, we will pad with ones
		while (stuffingWords--)
			addBits (ph, ~0, 32);
		if (remainingBits)
			addBits (ph, ~0, remainingBits);

		bitsWritten += stuffingBits;

	Implements the pseudocode of page 98 of the IS

	aaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh --- why don� write the code immediately?

static	int				writeHuffmanCode
	BitHolder				*ph,
	int						table,
	int						x,
	int						y
	struct huffcodetab		*h = ht + table;

	unsigned				signx = (x <= 0) ? (x = -x, 1) : 0;
	unsigned				signy = (y <= 0) ? (y = -y, 1) : 0;

	unsigned				code, cbits, idx;

assert (table);
	if (table == 0)
		return 0;

	if (table > 15)   /* ESC-table is used */
		unsigned				linbits = h->linbits;
		unsigned				ext     = 0;
		unsigned				xbits   = 0;

		if (x)  {if (x > 14)  {ext =                    (x-15);  xbits += linbits;  x = 15;}  ext = (ext << 1) | signx;  xbits++;}
		if (y)  {if (y > 14)  {ext = (ext << linbits) | (y-15);  xbits += linbits;  y = 15;}  ext = (ext << 1) | signy;  xbits++;}

		idx   = x * h->ylen + y;
		code  = h->table[idx];
		cbits = h->hlen[idx];

		addBits (ph, code, cbits);
		addBits (ph, ext , xbits);

		return cbits + xbits;
	else   /* No ESC-words */
		idx   = x * h->ylen + y;
		code  = h->table[idx];
		cbits = h->hlen[idx];

		if (x)  {code = (code << 1) | signx;  cbits++;}
		if (y)  {code = (code << 1) | signy;  cbits++;}

		addBits (ph, code, cbits);

		return cbits;

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