& This command macro creates the appropriate subdirectory
& for the specified processor type and then runs the
& build macro in that subdirectory to create the perl
& executable program module file.
& Written 99-02-03 by Paul Green (Paul_Green@stratus.com)
& Modified 00-10-24 by Paul Green
cpu option(-processor)name,allow(mc68020,i80860,pa7100,pa8000),=pa7100
recompile switch(-recompile),=1
rebind switch(-rebind),=1
module option(-module)module_name,='(current_module)'
tgt_mod option(-target_module)module_name,='(current_module)'
version option(-version)name,allow(alpha,ga),=ga
compiler option(-compiler)name,allow(cc,gcc)=cc
&echo command_lines
&if &recompile&
&then &set_string recompile -recompile
&else &set_string recompile -no_recompile
&if &rebind&
&then &set_string rebind -rebind
&else &set_string rebind -no_rebind
&if &cpu& = mc68020
&then &set_string obj ''
&if &cpu& = i80860
&then &set_string obj .860
&if &cpu& = pa7100
&then &set_string obj .7100
&if &cpu& = pa8000
&then &set_string obj .8000
&if &compiler& = gcc & &version& = alpha
&then &do
&display_line GCC is not supported by the alpha version of POSIX support.
&return e$translation_failed
&if &cpu& = mc68020 & &version& = ga
&then &do
&display_line The mc68020 CPU is not supported by the GA version of POSIX support.
&return e$translation_failed
&if &cpu& = i80860 & &version& = ga
&then &do
&display_line The i80860 CPU is not supported by the GA version of POSIX support.
&return e$translation_failed
&if &cpu& = pa8000 & &compiler& = gcc
&then &do
&display_line The pa8000 CPU is not supported by the GNU GCC compiler.
&return e$translation_failed
&if ^ (exists obj&obj& -directory)
&then !create_dir obj&obj&
&if ^ (exists obj&obj&>build.out)
&then !create_file obj&obj&>build.out ; set_implicit_locking obj&obj&>build.out
!configure_perl -version &version&
!change_current_dir obj&obj&
!start_process (string <build -processor &cpu& &recompile& &rebind& &+
-target_module &tgt_mod& -version &version& -compiler &compiler&) &+
-module &module&
!change_current_dir <