Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/jas/root/sys/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hgext/schemes.pyc

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This extension allows you to specify shortcuts for parent URLs with a
lot of repositories to act like a scheme, for example::

  py =

After that you can use it like::

  hg clone py://trunk/

Additionally there is support for some more complex schemas, for
example used by Google Code::

  gcode = http://{1}

The syntax is taken from Mercurial templates, and you have unlimited
number of variables, starting with ``{1}`` and continuing with
``{2}``, ``{3}`` and so on. This variables will receive parts of URL
supplied, split by ``/``. Anything not specified as ``{part}`` will be
just appended to an URL.

For convenience, the extension adds these schemes by default::

  py =
  bb =
  bb+ssh = ssh://
  gcode = https://{1}
  kiln = https://{1}

You can override a predefined scheme by defining a new scheme with the
same name.
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