Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/lucio/pub/trim.c

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**      @(#) trim.c - space and tab manipulator
**      @(#) $Id: trim.c,v 1.5 2003/04/22 06:46:30 lucio Exp $
**      Removes all trailing spaces unconditionally;
**      translates tabs to equivalent spaces or reduces spaces to
**      the appropriate combination of tabs and spaces.
**      A tab is never output if its purpose can be fulfilled by
**      a single space (yes, it seems odd, but it has frustrated
**      me since 1991 - it's now fixed).
**      A couple of questions to be resolved in the new version:
**      (1) How does one trigger the "default" tab settings? This was
**          an empty argument when we did not use getopt().
**      (2) More exhaustive testing is required.
** ==================================================================
**      $Logfile:$
**      $RCSfile: trim.c,v $
**      $Revision: 1.5 $
**      $Date: 2003/04/22 06:46:30 $
**      $Author: lucio $
** ==================================================================
**      $Log: trim.c,v $
**      Revision 1.5  2003/04/22 06:46:30  lucio
**      Update for Plan 9
**      Revision 1.4  2001/04/12 05:08:09  lucio
**      Brought in line with new "usage" conventions.
**      Revision 1.3  2001/02/28 11:21:07  lucio
**      .cvsignore
**        added a few intermediate products
**      Makefile
**        facility to build HTML docs from MAN pages
**      dirseek.1
**        updated to latest version
**      dirseek.c
**        Missing 'H' in permissible options string
**        Allow '-' to represent std{in,out}
**      trim.c
**        A second stab at bringing it up to speed
**      Revision 1.2  2001/02/15 11:50:09  lucio
**      Preliminary update - more in line with modern practice.
**      Still some work required.
**      Revision 1.1  2001/02/15 11:39:54  lucio
**      New archivery.
** ==================================================================

#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(MSDOS) || defined(_POSIX_SOURCE)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if	defined(_PLAN_9)
#include <bsd.h>
extern char *optarg;
extern int optind;

#define     TAB     '\t'
#define     NL      '\n'
#define     SP      ' '
#define     SQ      '\''
#define     DQ      '"'

#define     FALSE   0
#define     TRUE    1

#define     TABLIM  12

static  char *ident = "@(#) $Id: trim.c,v 1.5 2003/04/22 06:46:30 lucio Exp $";
static  char *copyright = "Copyright (C) 1988-1991 Lucio de Re";
static  char *usage[] = {
    "usage: %s [-h|H] [-t|T <arg>]  [-|infile] [outfile]\n",
    "opts: h/H     - this message\n",
    "      t <arg> - compress all spaces to tabs\n",
    "      T <arg> - expand all tabs to spaces\n",
    "       <arg>: none - default to 8,16,24 ...\n",
    "              c - 'C' tabs (4,8,12 ...)\n",
    "              C - COBOL tabs (8,12,16 ...)\n",
    "              <n1>,<n2>,<n3> ...\n",
    "opts override TRIMTABS in environment:\n",
    "         TRIMTABS=[-]<arg>\n",
    "     where <arg> is as above\n",
    "     and leading '-' to compress to tabs,\n",
    "     (default is to expand to spaces)\n",
    "'-' may be used to force read from 'stdin'\n",
    "    when 'outfile' is specified.\n",

static void
use (char *argv0, char **usage) {
    fprintf (stderr, *usage, argv0);

static void
help (char *argv0, char **usage) {
    fprintf (stderr, *usage++, argv0);
    while (*usage) {
        fputs (*usage++, stderr);

#if !defined(NetBSD) && !defined(MSDOS)
static char *basename (char *name) {
    char *c = strrchr (name, '/');

    if (c) {
            return (c + 1);
    } else {
            return (name);

static  int tablim = 2;
static  int tabs[TABLIM + 2];

extern char *getenv ();

set (char *str) {
    switch (*str) {
        case 'c':
            tabs[1] = 4;
            tablim = 2;
        case 'C':
            tabs[1] = 7;
            tabs[2] = 11;
            tablim = 3;
        case '\0':
            tabs[1] = 8;
            tablim = 2;
            if (isdigit (*str)) {
                char ch;

                tabs[tablim = 1] = 0;
                while ((ch = *str) != '\0') {
                    if (isdigit (ch)) {
                        tabs[tablim] *= 10;
                        tabs[tablim] += ch - '0';
                    } else if (ch == ',') {
                        if (tabs[tablim] > tabs[tablim-1]) {
                            tabs[++tablim] = 0;
                        } else {
                            while (*(++str))		/* flush remainder */
                    } else
                        while (*(++str))
                if (tabs[tablim] > tabs[tablim-1])
    tabs[tablim] = tabs[tablim - 1] - tabs[tablim - 2];

int next (int tabdex, int index) {
    int diff;

    if (index < tabs[tabdex])
        tabdex = 1;
    while (tabdex < tablim && index >= tabs[tabdex])
    if (tabdex >= tablim) {
        diff = tabs[tabdex - 1] - tabs[tabdex - 2];
        tabs[tabdex] = tabs[tabdex - 1] + diff;
        while (index >= tabs[tabdex])
            tabs[tabdex] += diff;
    return (tabdex);

main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    FILE *inf = stdin,
         *outf = stdout;
    char *argv0 = basename (argv[0]);
    int ch,
    int tins = 0;
    int old_tins,
        quote = '\0',
        escseq = FALSE;
    int tabdex = 1,
        htdex = 1;
    char *opts;

    tabs[0] = 0;
    tabs[1] = 8;
    if (opts = getenv ("TRIMTABS")) {
        if (*opts == '-') {
            tins = 1;
        set (opts);

    while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "t:T:hH")) != -1) {
        switch (ch) {
            case 't':           /* tab stops to be inserted */
                tins = 1;
            case 'T':   		/* tab stops to be expanded */
                set (optarg);
            case 'h':
            case 'H':
                help (argv0, usage);
                exit (0);
                use (argv0, usage);
                exit (2);
    argc -= optind;
    argv += optind;
    if (argc) {
        if (*argv[0] != '-') {
            if ((inf = fopen (*argv, "r")) == NULL) {
                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open %s for input\n", argv0, *argv);
                 exit (1);
    if (argc) {
        if (*argv[0] != '-') {
            if ((outf = fopen (*argv, "w")) == NULL) {
                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: cannot open %s for output\n", argv0, *argv);
                 exit (1);
    sp = index = 0;
    old_tins = tins;
    while ((ch = fgetc (inf)) != EOF) {
        switch (ch) {
            case NL:
                quote = '\0';
                tins = old_tins;
                fputc (ch, outf);
                sp = index = 0;
                escseq = FALSE;
            case SP:
                escseq = FALSE;
            case TAB:
                if (tablim > 0) {
                    int x = tabs [tabdex = next (tabdex, index)];

                    sp += x - index;
                    index = x;
                    escseq = FALSE;
                if (tins) {
                    int x = index - sp;
                    int c;

                    while ((c = tabs[htdex = next (htdex, x)]) <= index) {
                        if (c == x + 1) {
                            fputc (SP, outf);
                        } else {
                            fputc (TAB, outf);
                        x = c;
                    while (x++ < index)
                        fputc (SP, outf);
                    sp = 0;
                } else {
                    while (sp > 0) {
                        fputc (SP, outf);
                fputc (ch, outf);
                if (escseq)
                    escseq = FALSE;
                    switch (ch) {
                        case '\\':
                            escseq = TRUE;
                        case SQ:
                        case DQ:
                            if (quote == ch) {
                                quote = '\0';
                                tins = old_tins;
                            } else if (quote == '\0') {
                                quote = ch;
                                old_tins = tins;
                                tins = 0;
                            escseq = FALSE;
    fclose (inf);
    fclose (outf);
	return 0;

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