Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/eplain/eplain.tex

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
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%% @texfile{
%%   author = "Karl Berry",
%%   version = "2.6",
%%   date = "Mon May  2 07:48:18 EDT 1994",
%%   filename = "eplain.tex",
%%   email = "",
%%   address = "135 Center Hill Rd. // Plymouth, MA 02360"
%%   checksum = "2301    5656   77376",
%%   codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
%%   supported = "yes",
%%   docstring = "This file defines macros that extend and expand on
%%                plain TeX. eplain.tex is eplain.tex and the other
%%                source files with comments stripped; see the original
%%                files for author credits, etc.  And please base diffs
%%                or other contributions on eplain.tex, not the
%%                stripped-down eplain.tex.",
%% }
\def\makeactive#1{\catcode`#1 = \active \ignorespaces}%
\chardef\letter = 11
\chardef\other = 12
\catcode`@ = \letter
\let\@eplainoldatcode = \leftdisplays
\toksdef\toks@ii = 2
   \def\do##1{\catcode`##1 = \other}%
   \makeactive\^^M %
   \long\gdef\letreturn#1{\let^^M = #1}%
\let\@eattoken = \relax  % Define this, so \eattoken can be used in \edef.
\def\eattoken{\let\@eattoken = }%
\def\ifempty#1{\@@ifempty #1\@emptymarkA\@emptymarkB}%
\def\@@ifempty#1#2\@emptymarkB{\ifx #1\@emptymarkA}%
\let\@plainwlog = \wlog
\let\wlog = \gobble
\newlinechar = `^^J
\def\gloggingall{\begingroup \globaldefs = 1 \loggingall \endgroup}%
\def\tracingboxes{\showboxbreadth = \maxdimen \showboxdepth = \maxdimen}%
\def\gtracingoff{\begingroup \globaldefs = 1 \tracingoff \endgroup}%
  \showboxbreadth5 \showboxdepth3
  \catcode`\{ = 12 \catcode`\} = 12
  \catcode`\[ = 1 \catcode`\] = 2
  \catcode`\% = \other
\def\vpenalty{\ifhmode\par\fi \penalty}%
\def\hpenalty{\ifvmode\leavevmode\fi \penalty}%
  \toks@ = \expandafter{#1}%
  \edef#1{\the\toks@ #2}%
\long\def\hookprepend{\@hookassign{\the\toks@ii \the\toks@}}%
\long\def\hookappend{\@hookassign{\the\toks@ \the\toks@ii}}%
\let\hookaction = \hookappend % either one should be ok
  \expandafter\ifx\csname @#2hook\endcsname \relax
    \toks@ = {}%
    \expandafter\let\expandafter\temp \csname @#2hook\endcsname
    \toks@ = \expandafter{\temp}%
  \toks2 = {#3}% Don't expand the argument all the way.
  \expandafter\ifx\csname @#1hook\endcsname \relax \else
    \def\temp{\csname @#1hook\endcsname}%
  \else \csname#1@p#2\endcsname
    {No .aux file; I won't warn you about undefined labels.}%
%% @texfile{
%%   author = "Karl Berry and Oren Patashnik",
%%   version = "0.99j",
%%   date = "14 Mar 1992",
%%   filename = "btxmac.tex",
%%   address = "Please use electronic mail",
%%   checksum = "834    4503   33061",
%%   email = "",
%%   codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
%%   supported = "yes",
%%   docstring = "Defines macros that make BibTeX work with plain TeX",
%% }
\catcode`@ = 11
\let\@oldatcatcode = \cite
\chardef\@letter = 11
\chardef\@other = 12
\def\@innerdef#1#2{\edef#1{\expandafter\noexpand\csname #2\endcsname}}%
   \let\@linenumber = \empty % Pre-3.0.
\begingroup % The grouping here avoids stepping on an outside use of `\\'.
\def\\{\global\let\@stoken= }%
\\ % now \@stoken is a space token (\\ is a control symbol, so that
   \else\let\@@next=\@nexttoken\fi \@@next}%
\def\@stepthree{\afterassignment\@stepone\let\@@next= }%
   \let\@optionaltemp = #1%
   \let\@optionalnext = \relax
   \ifx [\@optionalnext
      \let\@optionalarg = \empty
   \ifx\@fortmp\empty \else
\def\@forloop#1,#2,#3\@@#4#5{\def#4{#1}\ifx #4\@nnil \else
       #5\def#4{#2}\ifx #4\@nnil \else#5\@iforloop #3\@@#4{#5}\fi\fi
\def\@iforloop#1,#2\@@#3#4{\def#3{#1}\ifx #3\@nnil
       \let\@nextwhile=\@fornoop \else
      \immediate\openin0 =
         \ifx\extension\empty \else .#1\fi
      \ifeof 0
\toks0 = {%
\let\bibstyle = \@gobble
\let\bblfilebasename = \jobname
\let\bibdata = \@gobble
   \let\@citenotetext = \@optionalarg
   \@for \@citation :=#1\do
   \expandafter \ifx \csname\@citelabel{#1}\endcsname \relax
         \message{\@linenumber Undefined citation `#1'.}%
            \escapechar = -1
            \setbox0 = \hbox{\biblabelcontents{##2}}%
            \biblabelwidth = \wd0
         \let\end = \@gobble % The arg is `thebibliography' again.
      \@itemnum = 0
         \expandafter \xdef\csname\@citelabel{##1}\endcsname {\@optionalarg}%
            \let\biblabelprecontents = \relax
            \let\biblabelpostcontents = \hss
         \advance\@itemnum by 1
         \expandafter \xdef\csname\@citelabel{##1}\endcsname{\number\@itemnum}%
            \let\biblabelprecontents = \hss
            \let\biblabelpostcontents = \relax
      \let\em = \bblem
      \let\newblock = \bblnewblock
      \let\sc = \bblsc
      \clubpenalty = 4000 \widowpenalty = 4000
      \tolerance = 10000 \hfuzz = .5pt
      \everypar = {\hangindent = \biblabelwidth
                      \advance\hangindent by \biblabelextraspace}%
      \parskip = 1.5ex plus .5ex minus .5ex
      \biblabelextraspace = .5em
      \input \bblfilebasename.bbl
   \hbox to \biblabelwidth{%
\def\biblabelcontents#1{{\bblrm [#1]}}%
              \font\@scfont = cmcsc10
\def\bblnewblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em }%
\let\bblhook = \empty
\def\printcitestart{[}%         left bracket
\def\printcitefinish{]}%        right bracket
\def\printbetweencitations{, }% comma, space
\def\printcitenote#1{, #1}%     comma, space, note (if it exists)
\let\citation = \@gobble
   \@numparams = \ifx\@optionalarg\empty 0\else\@optionalarg \fi \relax
      \let\@paramdef = \empty
         \errmessage{\the\@numparams\space is too many parameters}%
            \errmessage{\the\@numparams\space is too few parameters}%
                  \empty  No arguments.
               \or ####1%
               \or ####1####2%
               \or ####1####2####3%
               \or ####1####2####3####4%
               \or ####1####2####3####4####5%
               \or ####1####2####3####4####5####6%
               \or ####1####2####3####4####5####6####7%
               \or ####1####2####3####4####5####6####7####8%
               \or ####1####2####3####4####5####6####7####8####9%
\ifx\nobibtex\@undefined \the\toks0 \fi
   \if@auxfiledone \else % remember: \@auxfiledonetrue if \noauxfile is defined
            \endlinechar = -1
            \catcode`@ = 11
            \input \jobname.aux
      \immediate\openout\@auxfile = \jobname.aux
\ifx\noauxfile\@undefined \else \@auxfiledonetrue\fi
\def\@writeaux#1{\ifx\noauxfile\@undefined \write\@auxfile{#1}\fi}%
   \def\@undefinedmessage{No .aux file; I won't give you warnings about
                          undefined citations.}%
\ifx\noauxfile\@undefined \@citewarningtrue\fi
\catcode`@ = \@oldatcatcode
\let\auxfile = \@auxfile
\let\for = \@for
\let\futurenonspacelet = \@futurenonspacelet
\let\innerdef = \@innerdef
\let\innernewcount = \@innernewcount
\let\innernewdimen = \@innernewdimen
\let\innernewif = \@innernewif
\let\innernewwrite = \@innernewwrite
\let\linenumber = \@linenumber
\let\readauxfile = \@readauxfile
\let\spacesub = \@spacesub
\let\testfileexistence = \@testfileexistence
\let\writeaux = \@writeaux
\def\innerinnerdef#1{\expandafter\innerdef\csname inner#1\endcsname{#1}}%
   \makeactive\^^M \makeactive\ % No spaces or ^^M's from here on.
\makeactive\ \let =\ %
\ifx\next %
    \setbox0 = \lastbox
      \setbox2 = \hbox{\unhbox0}%
        \box2 % Put it back: it wasn't empty.
       \box0 % Put it back: it wasn't the right width.
\blanklineskipamount = 0pt
   \kern.1em \raise .5ex \hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}%
   \kern-.1em $/$%
   \kern-.15em \lower .25ex \hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}%
\newdimen\hruledefaultheight  \hruledefaultheight = 0.4pt
\newdimen\hruledefaultdepth   \hruledefaultdepth = 0.0pt
\newdimen\vruledefaultwidth   \vruledefaultwidth = 0.4pt
\def\ehrule{\hrule height\hruledefaultheight depth\hruledefaultdepth}%
\def\evrule{\vrule width\vruledefaultwidth}%
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  @TeX-style-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "1.09",
%%%     date            = "16 March 1993",
%%%     time            = "10:08:05 MST",
%%%     filename        = "texnames.sty",
%%%     address         = "Center for Scientific Computing
%%%                        Department of Mathematics
%%%                        South Physics Building
%%%                        University of Utah
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112
%%%                        USA
%%%                        Tel: (801) 581-5254
%%%                        FAX: (801) 581-4148",
%%%     checksum        = "15888 291 1374 12268",
%%%     email           = " (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "TeX names",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This style file for AmSTeX, LaTeX, and TeX
%%%                        defines macros for the names of TeX
%%%                        and METAFONT programs, in several
%%%                        letter-case variants:
%%%                        \AMSTEX, \AMSTeX, \AmSTeX
%%%                        \BIBTEX, \BIBTeX, \BibTeX
%%%                        \LAMSTeX, \LAmSTeX
%%%                        \LaTeX, \LATEX
%%%                        \METAFONT, \MF
%%%                        \SLITEX, \SLITeX, \SLiTeX, \SliTeX
%%%                        It will NOT redefine any macro that
%%%                        already exists, so it can be included
%%%                        harmlessly after other style files.
%%%                        In AmSTeX or Plain TeX, just do
%%%                        \input texnames.sty
%%%                        In LaTeX, do
%%%                        \documentstyle[...,texnames]{...}
%%%                        This file grew out of original work by
%%%                        Richard Furuta
%%%                        Department of Computer Science
%%%                        University of Maryland
%%%                        College Park, MD  20742
%%%                        seismo!umcp-cs!furuta
%%%                        22 October 1986, first release (1.00)
%%%                        1 April 1987 (1.01): Modified by William
%%%                        LeFebvre, Rice University to include
%%%                        definitions for BibTeX and SLiTeX, as they
%%%                        appear in the LaTeX Local User's Guide
%%%                        template (the file latex/local.tex in
%%%                        standard distributions)
%%%                        26 October 1991 (1.02): Modified by
%%%                        Nelson H. F. Beebe <> to
%%%                        add several new macro names, and adapt for
%%%                        use with Plain TeX and AmSTeX.
%%%                        26 October 1991 (1.03): Add \LaTeX and
%%%                        \LATEX
%%%                        25 November 1991 (1.04): Add \LamSTeX
%%%                        and \LAMSTeX
%%%                        27 January 1991 (1.05 and 1.06): Add slanted
%%%                        font support for \MF.  Make several comment
%%%                        changes.  Add a couple of missing % at end
%%%                        of line, and replace blank lines by empty
%%%                        comments.
%%%                        30 December 1992 (1.07): Use \TeX in
%%%                        definitions of \BibTeX and \LaTeX.  Remove
%%%                        occurrences of \rm.  Change \sc to use
%%%                        \scriptfont instead of hardwiring cmcsc10.
%%%                        Use \cal for \LAMSTeX.
%%% 			   1 March 1993 (1.08): Consolidate \ifx's onto
%%% 			   single lines for brevity.  Add
%%% 			   \spacefactor1000 to definitions for \TeX and \MF.
%%%                        16 March 1993 (1.09): Add \AmS, \AMS, \AmSLaTeX,
%%%                        and \AMSLaTeX.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
        \font\temp = cmr7 \temp
  \let\uppercasesc = \relax
\def\TeX{T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX\spacefactor1000 }%
    \def\AmS{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
        {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}}
\ifx\AMS\undefined \let\AMS=\AmS \fi
\ifx\AMSLaTeX\undefined \let\AMSLaTeX=\AmSLaTeX \fi
    \def\AmSTeX{$\cal A$\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}%
            \kern-.125em$\cal S$-\TeX}%
\ifx\AMSTEX\undefined \let\AMSTEX=\AmSTeX \fi
\ifx\AMSTeX\undefined \let\AMSTeX=\AmSTeX \fi
    \def\BibTeX{B{\sc \uppercasesc i\kern-.025em \uppercasesc b}\kern-.08em
\ifx\BIBTeX\undefined \let\BIBTeX=\BibTeX \fi
\ifx\BIBTEX\undefined \let\BIBTEX=\BibTeX \fi
    \def\LAMSTeX{L\raise.42ex\hbox{\kern-.3em\the\scriptfont2 A}%
                 \kern-.2em\lower.376ex\hbox{\the\textfont2 M}%
                 \kern-.125em {\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX}%
\ifx\LamSTeX\undefined \let\LamSTeX=\LAMSTeX \fi
\ifx\LAmSTeX\undefined \let\LAmSTeX=\LAMSTeX \fi
    \def\LaTeX{L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc \uppercasesc a}\kern-.15em\TeX}%
\ifx\LATEX\undefined \let\LATEX=\LaTeX \fi
    \def\MF{{\ifdim\fontdimen1\font>0pt \let\manfnt = \manfntsl \fi
      {\manfnt META}\-{\manfnt FONT}}\spacefactor1000 }%
\ifx\METAFONT\undefined \let\METAFONT=\MF \fi
    \def\SLITEX{S\kern-.065em L\kern-.18em\raise.32ex\hbox{i}\kern-.03em\TeX}%
\ifx\SLiTeX\undefined \let\SLiTeX=\SLITEX \fi
\ifx\SliTeX\undefined \let\SliTeX=\SLITEX \fi
\ifx\SLITeX\undefined \let\SLITeX=\SLITEX \fi
%%%  @texfile{
%%%     author          = "Philip Taylor",
%%%     version         = "3.04",
%%%     date            = "25 July 1992",
%%%     time            = "17:07 EDT",
%%%     filename        = "path.sty",
%%%     address         = "The Computer Centre
%%%                        RHBNC, University of London
%%%                        Egham Hill
%%%                        Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, ENGLAND",
%%%     telephone       = "Tel:   +44 784 443172",
%%%     FAX             = "Fax:   +44 784 434348",
%%%     checksum        = "41143 321 1758 13526",
%%%     email           = "P.Taylor@Vax.Rhbnc.Ac.Uk (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "file name, filename, path name, pathname,
%%%                        discretionary, discretionaries",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = {Computer filenames, host names, and e-mail
%%%                        addresses tend to be long strings that
%%%                        cause line breaking problems for TeX.
%%%                        Sometimes rather long strings are
%%%                        encountered; here are two examples:
%%%                        This file defines a macro, \path|...|,
%%%                        similar to LaTeX's \verb|...| macro, that
%%%                        sets the text in the typewriter font,
%%%                        allowing hyphen-less line breaks at
%%%                        punctuation characters.
%%%                        The default set of punctuation characters is
%%%                        defined as
%%%                        \discretionaries |~!@$%^&*()_+`-=#{"}[]:;'<>,.?\/|
%%%                        However, you can change it as needed, for example:
%%%                        \discretionaries +@%!.+
%%%                        would assign to it the set @ % ! . which
%%%                        commonly occur in electronic mail addresses.
%%%                        The delimiter characters surrounding the
%%%                        arguments to \discretionaries and \path
%%%                        will normally be a punctuation character not
%%%                        found in the argument, and not otherwise
%%%                        significant to TeX.  In particular, backslash
%%%                        cannot be used as a delimiter.  In the rare
%%%                        event that this is required, set
%%%                        \specialpathdelimiterstrue
%%%                        This practice is not recommended, because TeX
%%%                        then runs about four times slower while it is
%%%                        typesetting \path\...\ requests.
%%%                        \specialpathdelimitersfalse is the normal
%%%                        setting.
%%%                        This file may be used in Plain TeX or AmSTeX by
%%%                        \input path.sty
%%%                        and in LaTeX by
%%%                        \documentstyle[...,path,...]{...}
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.}
%%%  }
\catcode`@ = 11
\let\@oldatcatcode = \path
\newcount \c@tcode
\newcount \c@unter
\newif \ifspecialpathdelimiters
\catcode `\ = 10
\gdef \passivesp@ce { }%
\catcode `\ = 13\relax%
\gdef\activesp@ce{ }%
\def \discretionaries % <delim> <chars> <delim>
        \c@tcodes = 13
\def \discr@tionaries #1% <delim>
    {\def \discr@ti@naries ##1#1% <chars> <delim>
          \def \discr@ti@n@ries ####1% <char> or <delim>
              {\if   \noexpand ####1\noexpand #1%
                     \let \n@xt = \relax
                     \catcode `####1 = 13
                     \def ####1{\discretionary
                                  {\char `####1}{}{\char `####1}}%
                     \let \n@xt = \discr@ti@n@ries
          \def \discr@ti@n@ri@s {\discr@ti@n@ries ##1#1}%
\let\pathafterhook = \relax
\def \path
        \c@tcodes = 12
        \def \endp@th {\endgroup \endgroup \pathafterhook}%
        \def \endp@th {\endgroup \pathafterhook}%
\def \p@th #1% <delim>
        \c@tcode = \catcode `#1
        \catcode `\ = \active
        \expandafter \edef \activesp@ce {\passivesp@ce \hbox {}}%
        \catcode `#1 = \c@tcode
        \def \p@@th ##1#1% <chars> <delim>
            {\leavevmode \hbox {}##1%
\def \c@tcodes {\afterassignment \c@tc@des \c@tcode}%
\def \c@tc@des
    {\c@unter = 0
            \ifnum \catcode \c@unter = \c@tcode
                \catcode \c@unter = \c@tcode
     \ifnum \c@unter < 255
            \advance \c@unter by 1
     \catcode `\ = 10
\catcode `\@ = \@oldatcatcode
\discretionaries |~!@$%^&*()_+`-=#{}[]:";'<>,.?\/|%
\def\blackbox{\vrule height .8ex width .6ex depth -.2ex \relax}% square bullet
    \errhelp = \@makeblankboxhelp
    \errmessage{Box 0 is void}%
      \kern -#1% overlap rules
      \hbox to \wd0{\hidevrule{#1}{#2}%
        \raise\ht0\vbox to #1{}% vrule height
        \lower\dp0\vtop to #1{}% vrule depth
\newhelp\@makeblankboxhelp{Assigning to the dimensions of a void^^J%
  box has no effect.  Do `\string\setbox0=\string\null' before you^^J%
  define its dimensions.}%
\def\hidehrule#1#2{\kern-#1\hrule height#1 depth#2 \kern-#2}%
  \dimen@=#1\advance\dimen@ by #2%
  \vrule width\dimen@
\newdimen\boxitspace \boxitspace = 3pt
      \vbox{\kern\boxitspace \parindent = 0pt #1\kern\boxitspace}%
   \or one%
   \or two%
   \or three%
   \or four%
   \or five%
   \or six%
   \or seven%
   \or eight%
   \or nine%
   \or ten%
   \or #1%
\let\@plainnewif = \newif
\let\@plainnewdimen = \newdimen
\let\newif = \innernewif
\let\newdimen = \innernewdimen
\edef\@eplainoldandcode{\the\catcode`& }%
\catcode`& = 11
\toks0 = {%
\edef\thinlines{\the\catcode`@ }%
\catcode`@ = 11
\let\@oldatcatcode = \thinlines
\edef\@oldandcatcode{\the\catcode`& }%
\catcode`& = 11
\def\&whiledim#1\do #2{\ifdim #1\relax#2\&iwhiledim{#1\relax#2}\fi}%
\def\&iwhiledim#1{\ifdim #1\let\&nextwhile=\&iwhiledim 
\def\thinlines{\let\&linefnt\tenln \let\&circlefnt\tencirc
  \&wholewidth\fontdimen8\tenln \&halfwidth .5\&wholewidth}%
\def\thicklines{\let\&linefnt\tenlnw \let\&circlefnt\tencircw
  \&wholewidth\fontdimen8\tenlnw \&halfwidth .5\&wholewidth}%
\def\drawline(#1,#2)#3{\&xarg #1\relax \&yarg #2\relax \&linelen=#3\relax
  \ifnum\&xarg =0 \&vline \else \ifnum\&yarg =0 \&hline \else \&sline\fi\fi}%
  \ifnum\&xarg< 0 \&negargtrue \&xarg -\&xarg \&yyarg -\&yarg
  \else \&negargfalse \&yyarg \&yarg \fi
  \ifnum \&yyarg >0 \&tempcnta\&yyarg \else \&tempcnta -\&yyarg \fi
  \ifnum\&tempcnta>6 \&badlinearg \&yyarg0 \fi
  \ifnum\&xarg>6 \&badlinearg \&xarg1 \fi
  \ifnum \&yyarg >0 \let\&upordown\raise \&clnht\z@
  \else\let\&upordown\lower \&clnht \ht\&linechar\fi
  \&whiledim \&clnwd <\&linelen \do {%
    \advance\&clnht \ht\&linechar
    \advance\&clnwd \wd\&linechar
  \advance\&clnht -\ht\&linechar
  \advance\&clnwd -\wd\&linechar
  \&tempdima\&linelen\advance\&tempdima -\&clnwd
  \&tempdimb\&tempdima\advance\&tempdimb -\wd\&linechar
  \hskip\&tempdimb \multiply\&tempdima \@m
  \&tempcnta \&tempdima \&tempdima \wd\&linechar \divide\&tempcnta \&tempdima
  \&tempdima \ht\&linechar \multiply\&tempdima \&tempcnta
  \divide\&tempdima \@m
  \advance\&clnht \&tempdima
  \ifdim \&linelen <\wd\&linechar \hskip \wd\&linechar
\def\&hline{\vrule height \&halfwidth depth \&halfwidth width \&linelen}%
\def\&getlinechar(#1,#2){\&tempcnta#1\relax\multiply\&tempcnta 8
  \advance\&tempcnta -9 \ifnum #2>0 \advance\&tempcnta #2\relax\else
  \advance\&tempcnta -#2\relax\advance\&tempcnta 64 \fi
\def\drawvector(#1,#2)#3{\&xarg #1\relax \&yarg #2\relax
  \&tempcnta \ifnum\&xarg<0 -\&xarg\else\&xarg\fi
  \ifnum\&tempcnta<5\relax \&linelen=#3\relax
    \ifnum\&xarg =0 \&vvector \else \ifnum\&yarg =0 \&hvector
    \else \&svector\fi\fi\else\&badlinearg\fi}%
\def\&hvector{\ifnum\&xarg<0 \rlap{\&linefnt\&getlarrow(1,0)}\fi \&hline
  \ifnum\&xarg>0 \llap{\&linefnt\&getrarrow(1,0)}\fi}%
\def\&vvector{\ifnum \&yarg <0 \&downvector \else \&upvector \fi}%
  \&tempcnta\&yarg \ifnum\&tempcnta <0 \&tempcnta=-\&tempcnta\fi
  \ifnum\&tempcnta <5 
    \if&negarg\ifnum\&yarg>0                   % 3d quadrant; dp > 0
      \llap{\lower\ht\&linechar\hbox to\&linelen{\&linefnt
        \&getlarrow(\&xarg,\&yyarg)\hss}}\else % 4th quadrant; ht > 0
      \llap{\hbox to\&linelen{\&linefnt\&getlarrow(\&xarg,\&yyarg)\hss}}\fi
    \else\ifnum\&yarg>0                        % 1st quadrant; ht > 0
      \&tempdima\&linelen \multiply\&tempdima\&yarg
      \divide\&tempdima\&xarg \advance\&tempdima-\ht\&linechar
      \&tempdima\&linelen \multiply\&tempdima-\&yarg % 2d quadrant; dp > 0
\def\&getlarrow(#1,#2){\ifnum #2 =\z@ \&tempcnta='33\else
\&tempcnta=#1\relax\multiply\&tempcnta \sixt@@n \advance\&tempcnta
-9 \&tempcntb=#2\relax\multiply\&tempcntb \tw@
\ifnum \&tempcntb >0 \advance\&tempcnta \&tempcntb\relax
\else\advance\&tempcnta -\&tempcntb\advance\&tempcnta 64
\ifnum\&tempcntb < 0 \&tempcntb=-\&tempcntb\relax\fi
\ifcase \&tempcntb\relax \&tempcnta='55 \or 
\ifnum #1<3 \&tempcnta=#1\relax\multiply\&tempcnta
24 \advance\&tempcnta -6 \else \ifnum #1=3 \&tempcnta=49
\else\&tempcnta=58 \fi\fi\or 
\ifnum #1<3 \&tempcnta=#1\relax\multiply\&tempcnta
24 \advance\&tempcnta -3 \else \&tempcnta=51\fi\or 
\sixt@@n \advance\&tempcnta -\tw@ \else
\sixt@@n \advance\&tempcnta 7 \fi\ifnum #2<0 \advance\&tempcnta 64 \fi
\def\&vline{\ifnum \&yarg <0 \&downline \else \&upline\fi}%
\def\&upline{\hbox to \z@{\hskip -\&halfwidth \vrule width \&wholewidth
   height \&linelen depth \z@\hss}}%
\def\&downline{\hbox to \z@{\hskip -\&halfwidth \vrule width \&wholewidth
   height \z@ depth \&linelen \hss}}%
     \&linelen \hbox to\z@{\lower \ht\&tempboxa\box\&tempboxa\hss}}%
\def\&downvector{\&downline\lower \&linelen
      \hbox to \z@{\&linefnt\char'77\hss}}%
\def\&badlinearg{\errmessage{Bad \string\arrow\space argument.}}%
\countdef\&xarg     0
\countdef\&yarg     2
\countdef\&yyarg    4
\countdef\&tempcnta 6
\countdef\&tempcntb 8
\dimendef\&linelen  0
\dimendef\&clnwd    2
\dimendef\&clnht    4
\dimendef\&tempdima 6
\dimendef\&tempdimb 8
\chardef\@arrbox    0
\chardef\&linechar  2
\chardef\&tempboxa  2           % \&linechar and \&tempboxa don't interfere.
\let\rt_% distinguish between \rt and \lft
\newif\if@pslope % test for positive slope
  \ifnum#2>0 \@pslopetrue \else\@pslopefalse\fi \else
  \ifnum#2>0 \@pslopefalse \else\@pslopetrue\fi\fi}%
  \if@pslope \let\@upordown\raise \else \let\@upordown\lower\fi
  \if@pslope \let\@upordown\raise \else \let\@upordown\lower\fi
  \if@pslope \let\@upordown\raise \else \let\@upordown\lower\fi
  \wd1=\wd0 \ht1=\ht0 \dp1=\dp0 \box1}}%
  \ifdim\hmorphposnrt=\z@\hmorphposn\else\hmorphposnrt\fi \else
  \ifdim\hmorphposnlft=\z@\hmorphposn\else\hmorphposnlft\fi \fi}%
  \ifdim\vmorphposnrt=\z@\vmorphposn\else\vmorphposnrt\fi \else
  \ifdim\vmorphposnlft=\z@\vmorphposn\else\vmorphposnlft\fi \fi}%
  \ifx\next\rt\let\temp=\rtmorph\else\let\temp\relax\fi\fi \temp}%
\def\plnmorph{\dimen1\wd\@arrbox \ifdim\dimen1<\z@ \dimen1-\dimen1\fi
\def\lftmorph\lft#1{\rtm@rphfalse \setbox0=\@shiftmorph{#1}%
  \if@pslope \let\@upordown\raise \else \let\@upordown\lower\fi
  \llap{\@upordown\@vmorphdflt\hbox to\dimen1{\hss % \dimen1=\wd\@arrbox
\def\rtmorph\rt#1{\rtm@rphtrue \setbox0=\@shiftmorph{#1}%
  \if@pslope \let\@upordown\lower \else \let\@upordown\raise\fi
  \llap{\@upordown\@vmorphdflt\hbox to\dimen1{\hss
\def\getm@rphposn(#1,#2){\ifd@@blearr \dimen@\morphdist \advance\dimen@ by
  .5\channelwidth \@getshift(#1,#2){\@hmorphdflt}{\@vmorphdflt}{\dimen@}\else
\def\getch@nnel(#1,#2){\ifdim\hchannel=\z@ \ifdim\vchannel=\z@
    \else \@hchannel\hchannel \@vchannel\vchannel \fi
  \else \@hchannel\hchannel \@vchannel\vchannel \fi}%
\def\@getshift(#1,#2)#3#4#5{\dimen@ #5\relax
  \&xarg #1\relax \&yarg #2\relax
  \ifnum\&xarg<0 \&xarg -\&xarg \fi
  \ifnum\&yarg<0 \&yarg -\&yarg \fi
  \ifnum\&xarg<\&yarg \&negargtrue \&yyarg\&xarg \&xarg\&yarg \&yarg\&yyarg\fi
  \ifcase\&xarg \or  % There is no case 0
    \ifcase\&yarg    % case 1
      \dimen@i \z@ \dimen@ii \dimen@ \or % case (1,0)
      \dimen@i .7071\dimen@ \dimen@ii .7071\dimen@ \fi \or
    \ifcase\&yarg    % case 2
      \or % case 0,2 wrong
      \dimen@i .4472\dimen@ \dimen@ii .8944\dimen@ \fi \or
    \ifcase\&yarg    % case 3
      \or % case 0,3 wrong
      \dimen@i .3162\dimen@ \dimen@ii .9486\dimen@ \or
      \dimen@i .5547\dimen@ \dimen@ii .8321\dimen@ \fi \or
    \ifcase\&yarg    % case 4
      \or % case 0,2,4 wrong
      \dimen@i .2425\dimen@ \dimen@ii .9701\dimen@ \or\or
      \dimen@i .6\dimen@ \dimen@ii .8\dimen@ \fi \or
    \ifcase\&yarg    % case 5
      \or % case 0,5 wrong
      \dimen@i .1961\dimen@ \dimen@ii .9801\dimen@ \or
      \dimen@i .3714\dimen@ \dimen@ii .9284\dimen@ \or
      \dimen@i .5144\dimen@ \dimen@ii .8575\dimen@ \or
      \dimen@i .6247\dimen@ \dimen@ii .7801\dimen@ \fi \or
    \ifcase\&yarg    % case 6
      \or % case 0,2,3,4,6 wrong
      \dimen@i .1645\dimen@ \dimen@ii .9864\dimen@ \or\or\or\or
      \dimen@i .6402\dimen@ \dimen@ii .7682\dimen@ \fi \fi
  \if&negarg \&tempdima\dimen@i \dimen@i\dimen@ii \dimen@ii\&tempdima\fi
  #3\dimen@i\relax #4\dimen@ii\relax }%
\catcode`\&=4  % Back to alignment tab
\catcode`& = 4
\toks2 = {%
\catcode`\&=4  % Back to alignment tab
\def\@generalhmap{\ifx\next^ \let\temp\generalhm@rph\else
  \ifx\next_ \let\temp\generalhm@rph\else \let\temp\m@kehmap\fi\fi \temp}%
\def\@generalvmap{\ifx\next\lft \let\temp\generalvm@rph\else
  \ifx\next\rt \let\temp\generalvm@rph\else \let\temp\m@kevmap\fi\fi \temp}%
\def\generalvm@rph#1#2{\ifx#1\rt % append
      \rlap{$\vcenter{\rtm@rphtrue\@shiftmorph{#2}}$}}\else % prepend
      \toks@@ \the\toks@}\fi \generalvmap}%
\def\drawdownarrow{\hbox to5pt{\hss\drawvector(0,-1){\varrowlength}\hss}}%
\def\drawuparrow{\hbox to5pt{\hss\drawvector(0,1){\varrowlength}\hss}}%
\def\drawbidownarrow{\hbox to5pt{\hss\hbox{\drawvector(0,-1){\varrowlength}}%
\def\drawbiuparrow{\hbox to5pt{\hss\hbox{\drawvector(0,1){\varrowlength}}%
\def\drawadjdownarrow{\hbox to5pt{\hss\hbox{\drawvector(0,-1){\varrowlength}}%
\def\drawadjuparrow{\hbox to5pt{\hss\hbox{\drawvector(0,1){\varrowlength}}%
\def\drawvline{\hbox to5pt{\hss\drawline(0,1){\varrowlength}\hss}}%
\def\drawbivline{\hbox to5pt{\hss\hbox{\drawline(0,1){\varrowlength}}%
  \m@th\ialign{\hfil$##$\hfil&&\hfil$\mkern4mu ##$\hfil\crcr
\def\commdiagbaselines{\baselineskip15pt \lineskip3pt \lineskiplimit3pt }%
  \m@th\ialign{&\vbox to\vgrid{\vss
    \hbox to\hgrid{\hss\smash{$##$}\hss}}\crcr
\newdimen\harrowlength \harrowlength=60pt
\newdimen\varrowlength \varrowlength=.618\harrowlength
\newdimen\sarrowlength \sarrowlength=\harrowlength
\newdimen\hmorphposn \hmorphposn=\z@
\newdimen\vmorphposn \vmorphposn=\z@
\newdimen\morphdist  \morphdist=4pt
\dimendef\@hmorphdflt 0       % These two dimensions are
\dimendef\@vmorphdflt 2       % defined by \getm@rphposn
\newdimen\hmorphposnrt  \hmorphposnrt=\z@
\newdimen\hmorphposnlft \hmorphposnlft=\z@
\newdimen\vmorphposnrt  \vmorphposnrt=\z@
\newdimen\vmorphposnlft \vmorphposnlft=\z@
\newdimen\hgrid \hgrid=15pt
\newdimen\vgrid \vgrid=15pt
\newdimen\hchannel  \hchannel=0pt
\newdimen\vchannel  \vchannel=0pt
\newdimen\channelwidth \channelwidth=3pt
\dimendef\@hchannel 0         % Defined via the
\dimendef\@vchannel 2         % macro \getch@nnel
\catcode`& = \@oldandcatcode
\catcode`@ = \@oldatcatcode
\let\newif = \@plainnewif
\let\newdimen = \@plainnewdimen
\ifx\noarrow\@undefined \the\toks0 \the\toks2 \fi
\catcode`& = \@eplainoldandcode
      \errhelp = \@unnamedendgrouphelp
      \errmessage{`\@groupname' was not closed by \string\endenvironment}%
      \let\@groupname = \@undefined
         \errhelp = \@isolatedendenvironmenthelp
         \errmessage{Isolated \string\endenvironment\space for `#1'}%
         \errhelp = \@mismatchedenvironmenthelp
         \errmessage{Environment `#1' ended, but `\@groupname' started}%
         \endgroup % Probably a typo in the names.
   \let\@groupname = \@undefined
\newhelp\@unnamedendgrouphelp{Most likely, you just forgot an^^J%
   \string\endenvironment.  Maybe you should try inserting another^^J%
   \string\endgroup to recover.}%
\newhelp\@isolatedendenvironmenthelp{You ended an environment X, but^^J%
   no \string\environment{X} to start it is anywhere in sight.^^J%
   You might also be at an \string\endenvironment\space that would match^^J%
   a \string\begingroup, i.e., you forgot an \string\endgroup.}%
\newhelp\@mismatchedenvironmenthelp{You started an environment named X, but^^J%
   you ended one named Y.  Maybe you made a typo in one^^J%
   or the other of the names?}%
\def\checkenv{\ifenvironment \errhelp = \@interwovenenvhelp
   \errmessage{Interwoven environments}%
   \egroup \fi
\newhelp\@interwovenenvhelp{Perhaps you forgot to end the previous^^J%
   environment? I'm finishing off the current group,^^J%
   hoping that will fix it.}%
    \previouseverydisplay = \everydisplay
    \everydisplay = {\the\previouseverydisplay \leftdisplaysetup}%
    \let\@save@maybedisableeqno = \@maybedisableeqno
    \let\@saveeqno = \eqno
    \let\@saveleqno = \leqno
    \let\@saveeqalignno = \eqalignno
    \let\@saveleqalignno = \leqalignno
    \let\@maybedisableeqno = \relax
      \hbox to0pt\bgroup
    \everydisplay = \previouseverydisplay
    \let\@maybedisableeqno = \@save@maybedisableeqno
    \let\eqno = \@saveeqno
    \let\leqno = \@saveleqno
    \let\eqalignno = \@saveeqalignno
    \let\leqalignno = \@saveleqalignno
  \hbox to\displaywidth\bgroup
    \dimen@ = \parindent
      \advance\dimen@ by \leftdisplayindent 
      \advance\dimen@ by \leftskip
    \advance\displayindent by \dimen@
    \advance\displaywidth by -\parindent
      \advance\displaywidth by -\leftdisplayindent
      \advance\displaywidth by -\leftskip
    \advance\hsize by -\displayindent
\def\@lefteqend{\hfil\egroup$}% gets inserted between the ending $$
\def\@leftleqnoend{\hss \egroup$}%
      \halign{\hbox to\displaywidth{$\@lign\displaystyle####\hfil$\hfil}\crcr
    \let\noalign = \@lefteqalignonoalign
      \halign to\displaywidth{%
         \hfil $\@lign\displaystyle{####}$\tabskip\z@skip
    \let\eqno = \relax
      \halign to\displaywidth{%
         \rlap{\kern-\displayindent $\@lign####$}%
\let\@primitivenoalign = \noalign
    \advance\leftskip by -\parindent
    \advance\leftskip by -\leftdisplayindent
    \parskip = 0pt
    \parindent = 0pt
      \or Jan\or Feb\or Mar\or Apr\or May\or Jun%
      \or Jul\or Aug\or Sep\or Oct\or Nov\or Dec%
      \or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June%
      \or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December%
   \count0 = \time
   \divide\count0 by 60
   \count2 = \count0   % The hour, from zero to 23.
   \count4 = \time
   \multiply\count0 by 60
   \advance\count4 by -\count0   % The minute, from zero to 59.
      \toks1 = {0}%
      \toks1 = {}%
      \toks0 = {a.m.}%
      \toks0 = {p.m.}%
      \advance\count2 by -12
      \count2 = 12
   \number\count2:\the\toks1 \number\count4 \thinspace \the\toks0
\def\today{\the\day\ \fullmonthname\ \the\year}%
\newskip\abovelistskipamount      \abovelistskipamount = .5\baselineskip
  \newcount\abovelistpenalty      \abovelistpenalty    = 10000
  \def\abovelistskip{\vpenalty\abovelistpenalty \vskip\abovelistskipamount}%
\newskip\interitemskipamount      \interitemskipamount = 0pt
  \newcount\belowlistpenalty      \belowlistpenalty    = -50
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\newskip\belowlistskipamount      \belowlistskipamount = .5\baselineskip
  \newcount\interitempenalty      \interitempenalty    = 0
  \def\interitemskip{\vpenalty\interitempenalty \vskip\interitemskipamount}%
\newdimen\listleftindent    \listleftindent = 0pt
\newdimen\listrightindent   \listrightindent = 0pt        
\let\listmarkerspace = \enspace
\def\listcompact{\interitemskipamount = 0pt \relax}%
  \@listindent = \parindent
  \advance\@listindent by \listleftindent
  \advance\leftskip by \@listindent
  \advance\rightskip by \listrightindent
  \itemnumber = 1
  \ifx\@optionalarg\empty \else
  \ifnum\itemnumber=1 \else \interitemskip \fi
  \advance\itemnumber by 1
  \advance\itemletter by 1
  \advance\itemromannumeral by 1
\def\printmarker#1{\llap{\marker \enspace}}%
  \or \printitemnumber
  \or \printitemletter
  \or \printitemromannumeral
  \else *%
\def\numberedprintmarker#1{\llap{#1) \listmarkerspace}}%
  \advance\numberedlistdepth by 1
  \itemletter = `a
  \itemromannumeral = 1
  \let\marker = \numberedmarker
  \let\printmarker = \numberedprintmarker
\let\orderedlist = \numberedlist
\let\endorderedlist = \endnumberedlist
  \or \blackbox
  \or ---%
  \else *%
  \advance\unorderedlistdepth by 1
  \let\marker = \unorderedmarker
  \let\printmarker = \unorderedprintmarker
   \par \begingroup
   \input #1
\let\setuplistinghook = \relax
  \ifx\lineno\undefined \innernewcount\lineno \fi
  \lineno = 0
  \everypar = {\advance\lineno by 1 \printlistinglineno}%
   \parskip = 0pt
   \gdef`{\relax\lq}% Defeat ligatures.
   \gdef^^I{\hskip8\fontdimen2\font \relax}%
    \@makeverbatimdoubleescape #1%
    \catcode`#1 = 0
  \catcode`#1 = \other
    \lccode`\* = `#1%
    \lowercase{\endgroup \ece\def*{*}}%
\verbatimescapechar\|  % initially escapechar is |
  \makeactive\` % make space character a single space, not stretchable
\let\endverbatim = \endgroup
  \ece\let{#1filebasename} = \jobname
  \ece\innernewif{ifrewrite#1file} \csname rewrite#1filetrue\endcsname
  \csname if@#1fileopened\endcsname \else
     \ece{\immediate\openout}{#1file} = \csname #1filebasename\endcsname.#1
  \csname ifrewrite#1file\endcsname
    \csname open#1file\endcsname
    \toks0 = {\expandafter\noexpand \csname #1#2entry\endcsname}%
    \toks2 = \expandafter{#4}%
      \write\csname #1file\endcsname{%
        \the\toks0 % the \toc...entry control sequence
        {\sanitize\temp}% the text
        \ifx\empty\cs\else {\sanitize\cs}\fi % A secondary number, or nothing:
        {\noexpand\folio}% the page number
     \noexpand\testfileexistence[\csname #1filebasename\endcsname]{toc}%
      \input \csname #1filebasename\endcsname.#1\relax
      \csname ifrewrite#1file\endcsname \csname open#1file\endcsname \endif
\def\tocchapterentry#1#2{\line{\bf #1 \dotfill\ #2}}%
\def\tocsectionentry#1#2{\line{\quad\sl #1 \dotfill\ \rm #2}}%
\def\tocsubsectionentry#1#2{\line{\qquad\rm #1 \dotfill\ #2}}%
\let\ifxrefwarning = \iftrue
\def\xrefwarningtrue{\@citewarningtrue \let\ifxrefwarning = \iftrue}%
\def\xrefwarningfalse{\@citewarningfalse \let\ifxrefwarning = \iffalse}%
  \catcode`\_ = 8
  \expandafter \ifx\csname\xrlabel{#1}\endcsname\relax
       \message{\linenumber Undefined label `#1'.}%
        \escapechar = -1
  \csname\xrlabel{#1}\endcsname % Always produce something.
\let\refn = \xrefn
    \message{Warning: amsppt.sty and Eplain both define \string\ref. See
             the Eplain manual.}%
    \let\amsref = \ref
  \let\ref = \eplainref
\let\ref = \@maybewarnref
\def\refs{\@generalref s}%
  \expandafter\ifx\csname \temp word\endcsname\relax \else
    \csname \temp word\endcsname
    #1\penalty\@M \ 
    \global\advance\eqnumber by 1
  \global\subeqnumber = 0
  \toks0 = \expandafter{\@currenteqlabel}%
  \global\advance\subeqnumber by 1
  \toks0 = {#1}%
  \toks2 = \expandafter{\@currenteqlabel}%
  \toks0 = \expandafter{\@optionalarg}%
  #1{#2}% Define the label.
  \eqno \eqref{#2}% Print the text.
\let\@mayberestoreeqno = \relax
    \global\let\eqno = \relax
    \global\let\@mayberestoreeqno = \@restoreeqno
\let\@primitiveeqno = \eqno
  \global\let\eqno = \@primitiveeqno
  \global\let\@mayberestoreeqno = \empty
\let\eqrefn = \xrefn
\let\eqconstruct = \identity
\let\extraidxcmdsuffixes = \empty
  \toks@ = {#3}%
      \expandonce\csname#1\@idxprefix dx#2\endcsname % e.g., \idx or \sidxname.
      {\def\noexpand\@idxprefix{\@idxprefix}% define \@idxprefix
       \expandonce\csname @@#1idx#2\endcsname
      \expandonce\csname @@#1idx#2\endcsname{% e.g., \@@idx
        \noexpand\@idxgetrange\expandonce\csname @#1idx#2\endcsname
\let\indexfilebasename = \jobname
  \csname if@\@idxprefix indexfileopened\endcsname \else
    \expandafter\immediate\openout\csname @\@idxprefix indexfile\endcsname =
      \indexfilebasename.\@idxprefix dx
    \expandafter\global\csname @\@idxprefix indexfileopenedtrue\endcsname
    \expandafter\write\csname @\@idxprefix indexfile\endcsname{%
  \ifindexproofing \insert\@indexproof{\indexproofterm{#1}}\fi
  \ifsilentindexentry \expandafter\ignorespaces\fi
\dimen\@indexproof = \maxdimen                  % No limit on number of terms.
\count\@indexproof = 0  \skip\@indexproof = 0pt % They take up no space.
\font\indexprooffont = cmtt8
\def\indexproofterm#1{\hbox{\strut \indexprooffont #1}}%
\let\@plainmakeheadline = \makeheadline
    \dimen@ = 1in
    \advance\dimen@ by \hoffset
    \let\insidemargin = \outsidemargin
      \ifodd\pageno \kern\outsidemargin \else \kern\insidemargin \fi
      \vbox to 0pt{\unvbox\@indexproof\vss}%
\def\idxbeginrangemark{(}% the corresponding magic char to go in the idx file
\let\@idxseenterm = \relax
\let\@idxpagemarkup = \relax
  \let\@idxrangestr = \empty
  \let\@afteridxgetrange = #1%
               \errmessage{Unrecognized index option `\@idxarg'}%
    \if ,#2, % If #2 is empty, complain.
      \errmessage{Missing markup command to `pagemarkup'}%
    \ifx\temp\empty\else \idxsubentryseparator\the\@idxsubtoks \fi
    \@idxseefalse % Reset so the next term won't be a `see'.
  \ifx\@idxpagemarkup\relax \else
    \toks@ = \expandafter{\@indexentry}%
    \edef\@indexentry{\the\toks@ \idxencapoperator \@idxpagemarkup}%
    \let\@idxpagemarkup = \relax
  \ifx\@idxseenterm\relax \else
    \toks@ = \expandafter{\@indexentry}%
    \let\@idxseenterm = \relax
  \@idxmaintoks = {#1}%
  \@idxsubtoks = {#2}%
  #1% Produce TERM as output.
\def\@sidx#1{\@idxmaintoks = {#1}\@getoptionalarg\@finsidx}%
  \@idxsubtoks = \expandafter{\@optionalarg}%
\def\idxsortkeysep{@}% This `@' is catcode 11, but it doesn't matter.
  \toks@ = {#2}% The control sequence.
  \toks2 = {#3}% The term.
  \edef\temp{\the\toks2 \idxsortkeysep \the\toks@{\the\toks2}}%
  #1 = \expandafter{\temp}%
  #1{#2}% Produce \CS{TERM} as output.
  \@idxsubtoks = {}%
  #1 #2{#3}% produce `TERM \CS{SUBTERM} as output.
  \@idxmaintoks = {#1}%
\def\idxnameseparator{, }% as in `Tachikawa, Elizabeth'
    \toks@ = {}%
    \toks@ = {\idxnameseparator #1}%
  \toks2 = {#2}%
  \edef\temp{\the\toks2 \the\toks@}%
  #1 #2% Separate the names by a space in the output.
\let\indexfonts = \relax
  \testfileexistence[\indexfilebasename]{\@idxprefix nd}%
  \iffileexists \begingroup
      \let\end = \@gobble
    \input \indexfilebasename.\@idxprefix nd
    \message{No index file \indexfilebasename.\@idxprefix nd.}%
  \let\item = \@indexitem
  \let\subitem = \@indexsubitem
  \let\subsubitem = \@indexsubsubitem
  \parindent = 0pt
\let\indexspace = \bigbreak
\let\afterindexterm = \quad
\newskip\aboveindexitemskipamount  \aboveindexitemskipamount = 0pt plus2pt
  \leftskip = 0pt
  \penalty-100 % Encourage page breaks before items.
  \leftskip = 1em
  \leftskip = 2em
  \hangindent = 1em
  \hyphenpenalty = 10000
\def\indexsee#1#2{{\seevariant \indexseeword\ }#1}%
\def\indexseealsowords{see also}%
\def\indexseealso#1#2{{\seevariant \indexseealsowords\ }#1}%
  \catcode `\^^M = \active %
    \let\@firstlinejustifyaction = \relax
    \@startjustify %
    \@startjustify %
    \@startjustify %
    \parskip = 0pt
    \catcode`\^^M = \active %
      \@firstlinejustifyaction %
      \ifx\temp\empty\else \temp^^M\fi %
    \expandafter\aftergroup\@endjustifycmd %
    \checkenv \environmenttrue %
    \par\noindent %
    \@eateol %
    \@eoljustifyaction %
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      \noindent %
      \@firstlinejustifyaction %
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\def\@endflushleft{\unpenalty{\parfillskip = 0pt plus1fil\par}\ignorespaces}%
\def\@endflushright{% Remove the \hfil\null\break we just put on.
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   {\parfillskip = 0pt \par}\ignorespaces
\def\@endcenter{% Remove the \hfil\null\break we just put on.
   \unskip \setbox0=\lastbox \unpenalty
   {\parfillskip = 0pt plus1fil \par}\ignorespaces
\newcount\abovecolumnspenalty   \abovecolumnspenalty = 10000
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\newcount\@columndepth       % Number of lines in a column.
\newdimen\@columnwidth       % Width of each column.
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   \@linestogo = #1
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      \ifnum \@linestogo<2 
         \the\crtok \egroup \endgroup \par % End \valign and \makecolumns.
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     \advance\@columnwidth by -\parindent
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   \noindent % It's not a paragraph (usually).
     &\hbox to \@columnwidth{\strut \hsize = \@columnwidth ##\hfil}\cr
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\let\@plainvfootnote = \vfootnote
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  \advance\voffset by \dimen@
  \advance\vsize by -\dimen@
\def\bottommargin{\afterassignment\@finishbottommargin \dimen@}%
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\newdimen\paperwidth \paperwidth = 8.5in
\def\leftmargin{\afterassignment\@finishleftmargin \dimen@}%
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  \dimen@ = 0pt \afterassignment\@finishadvanceleftmargin \advance\dimen@
  \advance\hoffset by \dimen@
  \advance\hsize by -\dimen@
\def\rightmargin{\afterassignment\@finishrightmargin \dimen@}%
  \@computerightmargin		% Result in \dimen2.
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  \advance\hsize by \dimen2	% Change the type area.
  \dimen@ = 0pt \afterassignment\@finishadvancerightmargin \advance\dimen@
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  \advance\dimen2 by -1in	% Less the default offset.
\newskip\abovecolumnskip \abovecolumnskip = \bigskipamount
\newskip\belowcolumnskip \belowcolumnskip = \bigskipamount
\newdimen\gutter \gutter = 2pc
\def\begincolumns#1{\ifcase#1\relax \or \singlecolumn \or \@columns2 \or
                            \@columns3 \or \@columns4 \else \relax \fi}%
\let\endcolumns = \singlecolumn
\let\@ndcolumns = \relax
\chardef\@numcolumns = 1
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      \or \hbox to \@normalhsize{\box1\hfil\box3\hfil\box5}%
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  \pagegoal = \pagetotal
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\let\wlog = \@plainwlog
\catcode`@ = \@eplainoldatcode
 \xdef\fmtversion{2.6:  2 May 1994 (and plain \plainversion)}%

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