Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/lib/texmf/tex/latex/local/atttmaddon.sty

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\ProvidesPackage{atttmaddon}[\tmaddonversiondate Misc TM addon macros]
% Changes:  (by tla)
%	89-Feb-01	add tmnotice
%	89-Feb-27	change draftmark to add date/time option;
%			  contributed by Dennis DeBruler
%	89-Feb-28	added \hhmm and \hhmm*
%	89-Aug-04	added simpleheadandfoot pagestyle
%	89-Aug-24	added varhline (var width hlines)
%       89-Dec-13       moved \@cite redef here from tm.sty
%       90-May-30       fixed markdraft to add bottommark even if
%                         propietary level not set
%       90-Jul-05       added inlinelist environment
%       90-Aug-27       changed UNIX tm notice
%       91-Feb-25       corrected spelling of propr notice USL
%       91-May-02       added numenum to force arabic numbered lists
%       91-May-17       removed right indent from the added enumerations
%       91-May-28       added symbol for cents.
%       91-Jun-05       added typed caption to override float type
%                        this is for generated TeX where type may not
%                        be known when float begun.
%       91-Jul-02       changed the implementation of the enums to use
%                        the standard enum levels and simply override
%                        the label defs
%       95-Jul-26        (HWT) converted to LateX2e
% various extensions to LaTeX used by tm and related styles
% raise citations like footnotes
\newif\ifraisedcite%raises citations [1] above line 
\raisedcitations% default
   \ifraisedcite\raisebox{3pt}{\footnotesize [{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}]}
   \else [{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}]\fi}
% Additional enumeration styles: Roman roman Alph alph num(arabic)
  \advance\nextenumdepth by1
  \advance\nextenumdepth by1
  \advance\nextenumdepth by1
  \advance\nextenumdepth by1
  \advance\nextenumdepth by1
% new macros
 % draft mark macros

\newcount\hh	% TIME OF DAY	by Nelson Beebe in texhax.86.002
\divide\hh by 60%
\divide\mm by 60%
\multiply\mm by 60%
\advance\mm by \time%
   {\ifnum\hh>12\relax\advance\hh by-12\fi\relax%
   {\vbox to 48pt
     {\baselineskip 12pt%
   {\vbox to 48pt
     {\baselineskip 12pt%
   {\vbox to 48pt
     {\baselineskip 12pt%
   {\vbox to 48pt
     {\baselineskip 12pt%
% new list style called labeled -- similar to itemize but the label is
% set left justified in the label region and it takes the leftmargin
% as a parameter.  For example:
% label        The item.  If it is continued onto a second line, the
%              continuation is indented as the first to leftmargin.
% new page styles like myhead but with a centered foot \bottommark
    \if V\proprietarylevel{\hbox{}\hfill\textbf{PRIVATE}\hfill}%
        \if V\proprietarylevel{\hfill\textbf{PRIVATE}\hfill}%
        \rmfamily - \thepage\ -\hfil}%
    \def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfill \bottommark\hfill}%
    \def\@evenhead{\hbox{}\hfil \rmfamily - \thepage\ -%
        \if V\proprietarylevel{\hfill\textbf{PRIVATE}\hfill}%
    \def\@evenfoot{\hbox{}\hfill \bottommark\hfill}%
        \if V\proprietarylevel{\hfill\textbf{PRIVATE}\hfill}%
    \def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfill \bottommark\hfill}%
        \if V\proprietarylevel{\hfill\textbf{PRIVATE}\hfill}%
    \def\@evenfoot{\hbox{}\hfill \bottommark\hfill}%
% new page style without headers but with a centered foot \bottommark
    \def\@oddfoot{\hbox{}\hfill \bottommark\hfill}%
    \def\@evenfoot{\hbox{}\hfill \bottommark\hfill}%
% AT&T proprietary markings
  \sbox{\tm@propmark}{\vbox{\baselineskip 12pt%
    \hbox to 3.5in{\hfil #1\hfil}%
    \hbox to 3.5in{\hfil #2\hfil}%
    \hbox to 3.5in{\hfil #3\hfil}%
    \hbox to 3.5in{\hfil #4\hfil}}}%
     \hbox to \textwidth{\usebox{\draftmarkL}\hfil\usebox{\tm@propmark}%
        {\textit{AT\&T -- PROPRIETARY}}%
        {Use pursuant to Company Instructions}{}{}}%
        {\textit{AT\&T -- PROPRIETARY (RESTRICTED)}}%
        {Solely for authorized persons}%
        {having a need to know pursuant}%
        {to Company Instructions}
        {\textit{AT\&T -- PROPRIETARY (REGISTERED)}}%
        {Solely for authorized persons}%
        {having a need to know and}%
        {subject to cover sheet instructions}
        \markedfootnote{\copy\regbox}{UNIX is a registered trademark of
            UNIX System Laboratories, Inc.}%
    {\hfil\raise.07ex\hbox{\tiny R}\hfil\crcr{\scriptsize\mathhexbox20D}}}}
\newcommand{\tm}{\raise5pt\hbox{{\rm\tiny TM}}}
    \setbox\tmbox=\hbox{{\rm\tiny TM}}%
% for tabular environment -- allows variable hline width
% \hline will not tolerate a change to \arrayrulewidth just before it
\def\varhline#1{\noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi\hrule \@height #1 \futurelet
% ``list'' environment that does NOT use a display but puts list in
% line in the paragraph. CANNOT BE NESTED
%  Currently leaves space before `;' (bad) and after last item though
%  one often wants to end sentence there and so add a `.' without a space
%  How can I keep from adding space at end of item???
   \begingroup\def\item{\if Y\@newinlinelist{\gdef\@newinlinelist{N}}%
   \else{}\fi% inter item punctuation such as `;' could go here but it
             % is difficult to supress the space before it; one must
             % end each item with a %, and one may not want the same
             % punctuation for each list so let's let the user add own
             % punctuation at end of each item. Logic left in to show
             % how punctuation can be added.
   \advance\@inlineitemnum by1 (\the\@inlineitemnum )\ }}
\newcommand{\typedcaption}[1]{\refstepcounter{#1} \@dblarg{\@caption{#1}}}

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