Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/steve/root/sys/src/cmd/graphviz/graph/lexer.c

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#pragma prototyped

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "libgraph.h"
#include "parser.h"
#include "triefa.cP"

#ifdef DMALLOC
#include "dmalloc.h"

#define InfileName (InputFile?InputFile:"<unknown>")

static FILE		*Lexer_fp;
static char		*LexPtr,*TokenBuf;
static int		LineBufSize;
static uchar	In_comment;
static uchar	Comment_start;
static int		Line_number;
static char*	InputFile;
static gets_f	Lexer_gets;

  /* Reset line number.
   * Argument n is indexed from 1, so we decrement it.
void agreadline(int n) { Line_number = n-1; }

  /* (Re)set file:
void agsetfile(char* f) { InputFile = f; Line_number = 0; }

void aglexinit(FILE* fp, gets_f mygets)
	Lexer_fp = fp;
	Lexer_gets = mygets;
	LexPtr = NULL;
	if (AG.linebuf == NULL) {
		LineBufSize = BUFSIZ;
		AG.linebuf = N_NEW(LineBufSize,char);
		TokenBuf = N_NEW(LineBufSize,char);
	(Lexer_gets)(AG.linebuf,0,fp);  /* reset mygets */

/* skip leading white space and comments in a string p */
static char *
skip_wscomments(char* p)
	do {
		while (isspace(*p)) p++;
		while (In_comment && p[0]) {
			while (p[0] && (p[0] != '*')) p++;
			if (p[0]) {
				if (p[1] == '/') {In_comment = FALSE; p += 2; break;}
				else p++;
		if (p[0] == '/') {
			if (p[1] == '/') while (*p) p++;	/* skip to end of line */
			else {
				if (p[1] == '*') {
					In_comment = TRUE; Comment_start = Line_number;
					p += 2; continue;
				else break;	/* return a slash */
		else {if (!isspace(*p)) break;}
	} while (p[0]);
	return p;

/* scan an unquoted token and return the position after its terminator */
static char *
scan_token(char* p, char* token)
	char 	*q;

	q = token;
	if (p == '\0') return NULL;
	while (ISALNUM(*p)) {
		*q++ = *p++;
	*q = '\0';
	return p;

static char *
scan_num(char* p, char* token)
	char 	*q,*z;
	int		saw_rp = FALSE;
	int		saw_digit = FALSE;

	z = p;
	q = token;
	if (*z == '-') *q++ = *z++;
	if (*z == '.') {saw_rp = TRUE; *q++ = *z++;}
	while (isdigit(*z)) {saw_digit = TRUE; *q++ = *z++;}
	if ((*z == '.') && (saw_rp == FALSE)) {
		saw_rp = TRUE; *q++ = *z++;
		while (isdigit(*z)) {saw_digit = TRUE; *q++ = *z++;}
	*q = '\0';
	if (saw_digit && *z && ((isalpha(*z)) || (*z == '_'))) {
		char* endp = z+1;
		char  c;
		while ((c = *endp) && ((isalpha(c)) || (c == '_'))) endp++;
		*endp = '\0';
		agerr (AGWARN, "%s:%d: ambiguous \"%s\" splits into two names: \"%s\" and \"%s\"\n",
			InfileName,Line_number, p, token, z);
		*endp = c;

	if (saw_digit == FALSE) z = NULL;
	return z;

/* scan a quoted string and return the position after its terminator */
static char *
quoted_string(char* p, char* token)
	char		quote,*q;

	quote = *p++;
	q = token;
	while ((*p) && (*p != quote)) {
		if (*p == '\\') {
			if (*(p+1) == quote) p++;
			else {if (*(p+1) == '\\') *q++ = *p++;}
		*q++ = *p++;
	if (*p == '\0') 
		agerr (AGWARN, "%s:%d: string ran past end of line\n",
			InfileName,Line_number, p);
	else p++;
	*q = 0;
	return p;

int myaglex(void)
{		/* for debugging */
	int rv = aglex();
	fprintf(stderr,"returning %d\n",rv);
	if (rv == T_symbol) fprintf(stderr,"string val is %s\n",aglval.str);
	return rv;

 * Return a logical line in AG.linebuf.
 * In particular, the buffer will contain a '\n' as the last non-null char.
 * Ignore lines beginning with '#'; update cpp line number if applicable.
 * Fold long lines, i.e., ignore escaped newlines.
 * Assume the Lexer_gets function reads upto newline or buffer length
 * like fgets.
 * Need to be careful that Lexer_gets might not return full physical line
 * because buffer is too small to hold it.
static char *lex_gets(void)
	char	*clp;
	int		len,curlen;

	len = curlen = 0;

	do {
		/* make sure there is room for at least another SMALLBUF worth */
		if (curlen + SMALLBUF >= LineBufSize) {
			LineBufSize += BUFSIZ;
			AG.linebuf = realloc(AG.linebuf,LineBufSize);
			TokenBuf = realloc(TokenBuf,LineBufSize);

		/* off by one so we can back up in LineBuf */
		clp = (Lexer_gets)(AG.linebuf + curlen + 1, LineBufSize-curlen-1 , Lexer_fp);
		if (clp == NULL) break;

        len = strlen(clp);        /* since clp != NULL, len > 0 */
        if (clp[len-1] == '\n') { /* have physical line */
			if ((clp[0] == '#') && (curlen == 0)) {
		  		/* comment line or cpp line sync */
		  		if (sscanf(clp+1,"%d",&Line_number) == 0) Line_number++;
				clp[0] = 0;
                len = 1;  /* this will make the while test below succeed */
			if ((len > 1) && (clp[len-2] == '\\')) { /* escaped newline */
				len = len - 2;
				clp[len] = '\0';
		curlen += len;
	} while (clp[len-1] != '\n');

	if (curlen > 0) return AG.linebuf + 1;
	else return NULL;

int agtoken(char* p)
	while (*p) {
	return TFA_Definition();

int aglex(void)
	int		token;
	char	*tbuf,*p;

	/* if the parser has accepted a graph, reset and return EOF */
	if (AG.accepting_state) {
		AG.accepting_state = FALSE;
		return EOF;

	/* get a nonempty lex buffer */
	do {
		if ((LexPtr == NULL) || (LexPtr[0] == '\0'))
			if ((LexPtr = lex_gets()) == NULL) {
				if (In_comment) agerr (AGWARN, "nonterminated comment in line %d\n",Comment_start);
				return EOF;
		LexPtr = skip_wscomments(LexPtr);
	} while (LexPtr[0] == '\0');

	tbuf = TokenBuf;

	/* scan quoted strings */
	if (LexPtr[0] == '\"') {
		LexPtr = quoted_string(LexPtr,tbuf);
		aglval.str = agstrdup(tbuf);
		return T_qsymbol;

	/* scan edge operator */
	if (AG.edge_op && (strncmp(LexPtr,AG.edge_op,strlen(AG.edge_op)) == 0)) {
		LexPtr += strlen(AG.edge_op);
		return T_edgeop;

	/* scan numbers */
	if ((p = scan_num(LexPtr,tbuf))) {
		LexPtr = p;
		aglval.str = agstrdup(tbuf);
		return T_symbol;
	else {
		if (ispunct(LexPtr[0]) && (LexPtr[0] != '_'))
			return *LexPtr++;
		else LexPtr = scan_token(LexPtr,tbuf);

	/* scan other tokens */
	token = agtoken(tbuf);
	if (token == -1) {
		aglval.str = agstrdup(tbuf);
		token = T_symbol;
	return token;

static void error_context(void)
	char *p;
    char  c;
	char* buf = AG.linebuf+1;   /* characters are always put at AG.linebuf[1] */
                                /* or later; AG.linebuf[0] = '\0' */

	if (LexPtr == NULL) return;
	agerr (AGPREV, "context: ");
	for (p = LexPtr - 1; (p > buf) && (isspace(*p) == FALSE); p--);
 	if (buf < p) {
		c = *p;
		*p = '\0';
		agerr (AGPREV, buf);
		*p = c;
	agerr (AGPREV, " >>> ");
	c = *LexPtr;
	*LexPtr = '\0';
	agerr (AGPREV, p);
	*LexPtr = c;
	agerr (AGPREV, " <<< ");
	agerr (AGPREV, LexPtr);

void agerror(char *msg)
	if (AG.syntax_errors++) return;
	agerr (AGERR, "%s:%d: %s near line %d\n",
      InfileName, Line_number, msg,Line_number);

agerrlevel_t agerrno;                     /* Last error */
static agerrlevel_t agerrlevel = AGWARN;  /* Report errors >= agerrlevel */
static long  aglast;                      /* Last message */
static FILE* agerrout;                    /* Message file */

agseterr (agerrlevel_t lvl)
  agerrlevel = lvl;

aglasterr ()
  long   endpos;
  long   len;
  char*  buf;

  if (!agerrout) return 0;
  fflush (agerrout);
  endpos = ftell (agerrout);
  len = endpos - aglast;
  buf = malloc (len+1);
  fseek (agerrout, aglast, SEEK_SET);
  fread (buf, sizeof(char), len, agerrout);
  buf[len] = '\0';
  fseek (agerrout, endpos, SEEK_SET);

  return buf;

agerr (agerrlevel_t level, char* fmt, ...)
  va_list      args;
  agerrlevel_t lvl;

  lvl = (level == AGPREV ? agerrno : (level == AGMAX) ? AGERR : level);
  va_start(args, fmt);

  agerrno = lvl;
  if (lvl >= agerrlevel) {
    if (level != AGPREV)
      fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", (level == AGERR) ? "Error" : "Warning");
    vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
    return 0;

  if (!agerrout) {
    agerrout = tmpfile ();
    if (!agerrout) return 1;

  if (level != AGPREV) aglast = ftell (agerrout);
  vfprintf(agerrout, fmt, args);
  return 0;

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