/*t1part.h from t1part.c version 1.59 beta (c)1994, 1996
by Sergey Lesenko
* It is distributed with no warranty of any kind.
* You may modify and use this program. It can be included
* in any distribution, commercial or otherwise, so long as
* copyright notice be preserved on all copies.
#include <kpathsea/c-ctype.h>
#else /* not KPATHSEA */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#endif /* not KPATHSEA */
#define DVIPS
#define DOS
#define BORLANDC
#ifdef DEBUG
extern int debug_flag;
#define D_VIEW_VECTOR (1<<8)
#define D_CALL_SUBR (1<<9)
#ifdef DVIPS
extern FILE *search();
#ifndef KPATHSEA
extern char *headerpath ;
#endif /* not KPATHSEA */
#define psfopen(A,B) search(headerpath,A,B)
#define psfopen(A,B) fopen(A,B)
#if defined(DOS) || defined(WIN32)
#define OPEN_READ_BINARY "rb"
#define OPEN_READ_BINARY "r"
#endif /* not KPATHSEA */
#ifdef DOS
typedef unsigned char ub1;
typedef unsigned long ub4;
typedef unsigned char ub1;
typedef unsigned long int ub4;
typedef unsigned char typetemp;
#define _HUGE huge
typedef unsigned char typetemp;
#define _HUGE
#include <alloc.h>
#define UniRealloc farrealloc
#define UniFree farfree
#define UniRealloc xrealloc
#define UniFree free
#define UniRealloc realloc
#define UniFree free
#endif /* not KPATHSEA */
#include "protos.h"
#if 0
struct Char * AddChar ();
void AddStr();
void BinEDeCrypt ();
int DeCodeStr();
int DefTypeFont();
char CDeCrypt();
void CorrectGrid();
int CharEncoding ();
void CheckChoosing();
int ChooseChar();
int ChooseVect();
int EndOfEncoding();
void ErrorOfScan ();
int FindCharW();
void FindEncoding ();
int FindKeyWord ();
int FontPart ();
void HexEDeCrypt ();
void *getmem ();
int GetNum ();
int GetToken ();
int GetWord ();
int GetZeroLine ();
char *itoasp ();
void LastLook ();
ub4 little4 ();
void OutASCII ();
void OutHEX ();
void OutStr();
void NameOfProgram ();
int PartialPFA ();
int PartialPFB ();
void PrintChar ();
int PassString ();
int PassToken ();
void Reverse();
int ScanBinary ();
void ScanChars ();
void ScanSubrs ();
void SubstNum ();
void ViewReturnCall();
struct Char * UnDefineChars ();
void UnDefineCharsW();
void UnDefineStr();
int WorkVect();
#define NUM_LABEL 1024
#define BASE_MEM 16384
#define ADD_MEM 16384
#define FLG_LOAD_BASE (1)
extern unsigned char grid[];
extern unsigned char *line, *tmpline ;
extern int loadbase ;
extern struct Char *FirstCharB;