This directory contains Web2c, a system which converts TeX, Metafont,
and other related WEB programs to C. By itself, it is not a complete,
ready-to-run, TeX distribution (I recommend teTeX for that, available on
CTAN:/systems/tetex). Nor is it a general-purpose Pascal-to-C or
WEB-to-C translator.
Web2c is electronically distributed in two files: the web files, in
web.tar.gz, and the Web2c-specific files, in web2c.tar.gz. If you
already have the web files for a particular Knuthian version, you need
not re-retrieve them. Web2c changes irregularly wrt Knuth's updates.
See `NEWS' for changes by release, `ChangeLog` for all changes.
See `INSTALL' for installation instructions.
See `PROJECTS' for future improvements you might like to work on.
See `../kpathsea/BUGS' for details on reporting bugs.
If present, see etexdir/README, omegadir/README, and pdftexdir/README
for details on building those packages.
Web2c is free software. The files I wrote (originally for the Free
Software Foundation) are covered by the GNU General Public License --
see the files COPYING*. Knuth's original sources are covered by their
own copyright -- see the beginning of tex.web, mf.web, etc. You can get
the original files on their own from CTAN:/systems/knuth; you can get
MetaPost from
(see also
Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- write