Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/extra/i/gc.c

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
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#include "i.h"

// Descriptors of all types that need to be garbage collected

typedef struct Descr Descr;

struct Descr {
	char* name;
	uchar size;		// in bytes; 0 means variable
	uchar align;
	uchar* members;

// keep this enum synchronized with descr table, below!
// start enum at 1 so 0 marks end of members array.
enum {
	DTchar = 1,	// 1 byte
	DTshort,		// 2 bytes
	DTlong,		// 4 bytes
	DTstring,		// ptr to null terminated char array
	DTString,		// ptr to null terminated Rune array
	DTptr,		// followed by code for pointed-to object
	DTptrnogc,	// pointer to stuff from usual malloc regime (just copy)
	DTptrnogcnil,	// pointer that should be nil at gc time
	DTarray,		// next two bytes are length, high order first
				// ((255,x) means use x as signed char byte offset
				//  from array start  to long elem count)),
				// then code for element type
	DTptrarray,	// pointer to array
				// next two bytes are length (as in DTarray), with
				// count offset relative to this ptr in current struct
	DTptrarray2d,	// pointer to array of arrays, both counts in this struct
				// first comes count for rows
				// then count for cols, then elem type
	DTunion,		// union assumed to start with a long tag.
				// following byte is DT code for type (of data following tag)
				// correponding to tag==0, and rest of variants are
				// assumed sequential after that,
				// up until (and including) code of next byte
	DTvunion,	// "variable union": i.e., different variants are allocated
				// at different lengths.
				// following byte is offset to long tag.
				// then comes DT code for type (of all data in the vunion)
				// correponding to tag==0, and rest of variants are
				// assumed sequential after that
				// up until (and including) code of next byte


	// from draw.h

	// from i.h


// (acid used to derive the descriptor tables)
static uchar d_point[] = { DTlong, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_rectangle[] = { DTPoint, DTPoint, 0 };
static uchar d_list[] = { DTptr, DTList, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_strlist[]= { DTptr, DTStrlist, DTString, 0 };
static uchar d_parsedurl[] = { DTarray, 0, 18, DTlong,
		DTarray, 255, (uchar)((signed char)-4), DTshort, 0 };
static uchar d_stringint[] = { DTString, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_config[] = {
	DTString,				// userdir
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl,		// starturl
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl,		// homeurl
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl,		// httpproxy
	DTlong,				// defaultwidth
	DTlong,				// defaultheight
	DTlong,				// x
	DTlong,				// y
	DTlong,				// nocache
	DTlong,				// maxstale
	DTlong,				// imagelvl
	DTlong,				// imagecachenum
	DTlong,				// imagecachemem
	DTlong,				// docookies
	DTlong,				// doscripts
	DTlong,				// saveauthinfo
	DTlong,				// showprogress
	DTlong,				// usecci
	DTlong,				// httpminor
	DTString,				// agentname
	DTlong,				// nthreads
	DTString,				// dbgfile
	DTarray, 0, 128, DTchar,	// dbg
	0 };
static uchar d_reqinfo[] = { DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTlong,
	DTstring, DTlong, DTString, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_maskedimage[] = { DTptrnogc, DTptrnogc,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTPoint, 0 };
static uchar d_cimage[] = { DTptr, DTCImage,
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl,
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTptr, DTMaskedImage,
	DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_header[] = { DTlong,
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTptr, DTParsedUrl,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTString, DTString, DTString, DTString, 0 };
static uchar d_resourcestate[] = { DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_token[] = { DTlong, DTString, DTptr, DTAttr, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_attr[] = { DTptr, DTAttr, DTlong, DTString, 0 };
static uchar d_align[] = { DTchar, DTchar, 0 };
static uchar d_dimen[] = { DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_background[] = { DTptr, DTCImage, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_item[] = { DTvunion, 28, DTItext,  DTIspacer, 0 };
static uchar d_itext[] = { DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTGenattr, DTlong,
	DTString, DTlong,DTlong, DTchar, DTchar, 0 };
static uchar d_irule[] = { DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTGenattr, DTlong,
	DTchar, DTchar, DTlong, DTDimen, 0 };
static uchar d_iimage[] = { DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTGenattr, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTCImage, DTlong, DTlong,	// ci, imwidth, imheight
	DTString, DTptr, DTMap, DTlong,	// altrep, map, ctlid
	DTchar, DTchar, DTchar, DTchar,	// align, hspace, vspace, border
	DTptr, DTIimage,				// nextimage
	0 };
static uchar d_iformfield[] = { DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTGenattr, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTFormfield, 0 };
static uchar d_itable[] = { DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTGenattr, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTTable, 0 };
static uchar d_ifloat[] = { DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTGenattr, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTItem, DTlong, DTlong, DTchar, DTchar, DTptr, DTIfloat, 0 };
static uchar d_ispacer[] = { DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTGenattr, DTlong,
	DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_iitemlist[] = { DTptr, DTItemlist, DTptr, DTItem, 0 };
static uchar d_genattr[] = { DTString, DTString, DTString, DTString,
	DTptr, DTAttr, 0 };
static uchar d_formfield[] = { DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTForm, DTString, DTString,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTchar, DTptr, DTOption, DTptr, DTItem,
	DTlong, DTptr, DTAttr, 0 };
static uchar d_option[] = { DTptr, DTOption, DTlong, DTString, DTString, 0 };
static uchar d_form[] = { DTptr, DTForm,
	DTlong, DTString, DTptr, DTParsedUrl,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTFormfield, 0 };
static uchar d_table[] = { DTptr, DTTable, DTlong,
	DTlong, DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTTablerow,	// NOTE: don't gc during parsing!
	DTlong, DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTTablecol,
	DTptr, DTTablecell, DTlong,
	DTptrarray2d, 255, (uchar)-20, 255, (uchar)-12, DTptr, DTTablecell,
	DTAlign, DTDimen,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTItem, DTchar, DTptr, DTLay,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTToken, DTchar,
	0 };
static uchar d_tablecol[] = { DTlong, DTAlign, DTPoint, 0 };
static uchar d_tablerow[] = { DTptr, DTTablerow, DTptr, DTTablecell,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTAlign, DTBackground, DTPoint, DTchar, 0 };
static uchar d_tablecell[] = { DTptr, DTTablecell, DTptr, DTTablecell,
	DTlong, DTptr, DTItem, DTptr, DTLay,
	DTlong, DTlong,
	DTAlign, DTchar, DTDimen,
	DTlong, DTBackground,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTPoint, 0 };
static uchar d_anchor[] = { DTptr, DTAnchor,
	DTlong, DTString, DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_destanchor[] = { DTptr, DTDestAnchor,
	DTlong, DTString, DTptr, DTItem, 0 };
static uchar d_map[] = { DTptr, DTMap, DTString, DTptr, DTArea, 0};
static uchar d_area[] = { DTptr, DTArea, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTlong, DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTDimen, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_kidinfo[] = { DTptr, DTKidinfo, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTString, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTDimen, DTlong,
	DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTDimen, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTKidinfo, DTptr, DTKidinfo, 0 };
static uchar d_docinfo[] = { 
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTptr, DTParsedUrl,	// src, base
	DTString, DTBackground,				// doctitle, background
	DTptr, DTIimage,					// backgrounditem
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,		// text, link, vlink, alink
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,		// target, chset, scripttype, hasscripts
	DTString, DTptr, DTKidinfo, DTlong,		// refresh, kidinfo, frameid
	DTptr, DTAnchor, DTptr, DTDestAnchor,	// anchors, dests
	DTptr, DTForm, DTptr, DTTable,		// forms, tables
	DTptr, DTMap, DTptr, DTIimage,		// maps, images
	0 };
static uchar d_frame[] = {
	DTlong, DTptr, DTDocinfo,			// id, doc
	DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTString,			// src, name
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,		// marginw, marginh, framebd, flags
	DTptr, DTLay,						// layout
	DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTptr, DTControl,	// controls
	DTlong, DTlong,					// controlslen, controlid
	DTptrnogc,						// cim
	DTRectangle, DTRectangle,			// r, cr
	DTRectangle, DTRectangle,			// totalr, viewr
	DTptr, DTControl, DTptr, DTControl,	// vscr, hscr
	DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFramelist,	// parent, kids
	0 };
static uchar d_framelist[] = {
	DTptr, DTFramelist, DTptr, DTFrame, 0 };
static uchar d_line[] = { DTptr, DTLine, DTptr, DTLine,
	DTptr, DTItem, DTPoint, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTchar, 0 };
static uchar d_loc[] = { DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTLocelem,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTPoint, 0 };
static uchar d_locelem[] = { DTlong, DTPoint,
	DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTLine, DTptr, DTItem,
	DTptr, DTTablecell, DTptr, DTControl, 0 };
static uchar d_control[] = { DTvunion, 16, DTCbutton, DTClabel, 0 };
static uchar d_cbutton[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptrnogc, DTptrnogc, DTptrnogc, DTptrnogc, DTString, DTlong,
	0 };
static uchar d_centry[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTString, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	0 };
static uchar d_ccheckbox[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_cselect[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTCscrollbar, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTOption, DTlong,
	0 };
static uchar d_cscrollbar[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTControl,
	0 };
static uchar d_canimimage[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTCImage, DTlong, DTlong, DTBackground,
	0 };
static uchar d_cprogbox[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTString, DTString,
	0 };
static uchar d_clabel[] = { DTptr, DTFrame, DTptr, DTFormfield,
	DTRectangle, DTlong, DTlong,
	0 };
static uchar d_lay[] = { DTptr, DTLine, DTptr, DTLine,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTIfloat, DTBackground, DTchar, DTchar, 0 };
static uchar d_ev[] = { DTunion, DTEVkey, DTEVdelay, 0 };
static uchar d_evkey[] = { DTlong, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evmouse[] = { DTlong, DTPoint, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evmove[] = { DTlong, DTPoint, 0 };
static uchar d_evresize[] = { DTlong, DTRectangle, 0 };
static uchar d_evexpose[] = { DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evhide[] = { DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evquit[] = { DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evstop[] = { DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evalert[] = { DTlong, DTString, DTptrnogc, 0 };
static uchar d_evform[] = { DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evgo[] = { DTlong, DTptr, DTParsedUrl, DTlong, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_evanim[] = { DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTCanimimage, 0 };
static uchar d_evprogress[] = { DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, DTString, 0 };
static uchar d_evdelay[] = { DTlong, DTlong, DTptr, DTEV, 0 };
static uchar d_scriptevent[] = { DTarray, 0, 8, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_gospec[] = { DTlong, DTptr, DTParsedUrl,
	DTlong, DTString, DTlong, DTString, DTptr, DTHistNode, 0 };
static uchar d_docconfig[] = { DTString, DTString, DTlong, DTptr, DTGoSpec, 0 };
static uchar d_histnode[] = { DTptr, DTDocConfig,
	DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTptr, DTDocConfig, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTHistNode_list, DTptr, DTHistNode_list, 0 };
static uchar d_histnode_list[] = { DTptr, DTHistNode_list, DTptr, DTHistNode, 0 };
static uchar d_history[] = { DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTlong, DTlong, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_authinfo[] = { DTptr, DTAuthInfo, DTString, DTString, 0 };
static uchar d_ctllayout[] = { DTptrnogc,
	DTPoint, DTPoint, DTPoint, DTPoint,
	DTarray, 0, NUMCLCS, DTptr, DTControl, DTString, 0 };
static uchar d_proglayout[] = { DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTptr, DTControl,
	DTlong, DTlong, DTPoint, DTlong, 0 };
static uchar d_popuplayout[] = { DTlong,
	DTptrarray, 255, 4, DTptr, DTControl, DTlong,
	DTptr, DTControl, DTptr, DTControl, 0 };
static uchar d_popupans[] = { DTlong, DTString, 0 };

// keep this table synchronized with DT enum!
Descr descr[] = {
	{ "dummy", 0, 0, nil },
	{ "char", sizeof(char), sizeof(char), nil },
	{ "short", sizeof(short), sizeof(short), nil },
	{ "long", sizeof(long), sizeof(long), nil },
	{ "string", sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*), nil },
	{ "String", sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*), nil },
	{ "ptr", sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*), nil },
	{ "ptrnogc", sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*), nil },
	{ "ptrnogcnil", sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*), nil },
	{ "array", 0, 4, nil },
	{ "ptrarray", sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*), nil },
	{ "ptrarray2d", sizeof(void*), sizeof(void*), nil },
	{ "union", 0, 4, nil },
	{ "vunion", 0, 4, nil },
	{ "Point", sizeof(Point), 4, d_point },
	{ "Rectangle", sizeof(Rectangle), 4, d_rectangle },
	{ "List", sizeof(List), 4, d_list },
	{ "Strlist", sizeof(Strlist), 4, d_strlist },
	{ "ParsedUrl", 0, 4, d_parsedurl },
	{ "StringInt", sizeof(StringInt), 4, d_stringint },
	{ "Config", sizeof(Config), 4, d_config },
	{ "ReqInfo", sizeof(ReqInfo), 4, d_reqinfo },
	{ "MaskedImage", sizeof(MaskedImage), 4, d_maskedimage },
	{ "CImage", sizeof(CImage), 4, d_cimage },
	{ "Header", sizeof(Header), 4, d_header },
	{ "ResourceState", sizeof(ResourceState), 4, d_resourcestate },
	{ "Token", sizeof(Token), 4, d_token },
	{ "Attr", sizeof(Attr), 4, d_attr },
	{ "Align", sizeof(Align), 4, d_align },
	{ "Dimen", sizeof(Dimen), 4, d_dimen },
	{ "Background", sizeof(Background), 4, d_background },
	{ "Item", 0, 4, d_item },
	{ "Itext", sizeof(Itext), 4, d_itext },
	{ "Irule", sizeof(Irule), 4, d_irule },
	{ "Iimage", sizeof(Iimage), 4, d_iimage },
	{ "Iformfield", sizeof(Iformfield), 4, d_iformfield },
	{ "Itable", sizeof(Itable), 4, d_itable },
	{ "Ifloat", sizeof(Ifloat), 4, d_ifloat },
	{ "Ispacer", sizeof(Ispacer), 4, d_ispacer },
	{ "Itemlist", sizeof(Itemlist), 4, d_iitemlist },
	{ "Genattr", sizeof(Genattr), 4, d_genattr },
	{ "Formfield", sizeof(Formfield), 4, d_formfield },
	{ "Option", sizeof(Option), 4, d_option },
	{ "Form", sizeof(Form), 4, d_form },
	{ "Table", sizeof(Table), 4, d_table },
	{ "Tablecol", sizeof(Tablecol), 4, d_tablecol },
	{ "Tablerow", sizeof(Tablerow), 4, d_tablerow },
	{ "Tablecell", sizeof(Tablecell), 4, d_tablecell },
	{ "Anchor", sizeof(Anchor), 4, d_anchor },
	{ "DestAnchor", sizeof(DestAnchor), 4, d_destanchor },
	{ "Map", sizeof(Map), 4, d_map },
	{ "Area", sizeof(Area), 4, d_area },
	{ "Kidinfo", sizeof(Kidinfo), 4, d_kidinfo },
	{ "Docinfo", sizeof(Docinfo), 4, d_docinfo },
	{ "Frame", sizeof(Frame), 4, d_frame },
	{ "Framelist", sizeof(Framelist), 4, d_framelist },
	{ "Line", sizeof(Line), 4, d_line },
	{ "Loc", sizeof(Loc), 4, d_loc },
	{ "Locelem", sizeof(Locelem), 4, d_locelem },
	{ "Control", 0, 4, d_control },
	{ "Cbutton", sizeof(Cbutton), 4, d_cbutton },
	{ "Centry", sizeof(Centry), 4, d_centry },
	{ "Ccheckbox", sizeof(Ccheckbox), 4, d_ccheckbox },
	{ "Cselect", sizeof(Cselect), 4, d_cselect },
	{ "Cscrollbar", sizeof(Cscrollbar), 4, d_cscrollbar },
	{ "Canimimage", sizeof(Canimimage), 4, d_canimimage },
	{ "Cprogbox", sizeof(Cprogbox), 4, d_cprogbox },
	{ "Clabel", sizeof(Clabel), 4, d_clabel },
	{ "Lay", sizeof(Lay), 4, d_lay },
	{ "EV", sizeof(EV), 4, d_ev },
	{ "EVkey", 8, 4, d_evkey },
	{ "EVmouse", 16, 4, d_evmouse },
	{ "EVmove", 12, 4, d_evmove },
	{ "EVresize", 20, 4, d_evresize },
	{ "EVexpose", 4, 4, d_evexpose },
	{ "EVhide", 4, 4, d_evhide },
	{ "EVquit", 4, 4, d_evquit },
	{ "EVstop", 4, 4, d_evstop },
	{ "EValert", 12, 4, d_evalert },
	{ "EVform", 16, 4, d_evform },
	{ "EVgo", 16, 4, d_evgo },
	{ "EVanim", 12, 4, d_evanim },
	{ "EVprogress", 20, 4, d_evprogress },
	{ "EVdelay", 12, 4, d_evdelay },
	{ "ScriptEvent", sizeof(ScriptEvent), 4, d_scriptevent },
	{ "GoSpec", sizeof(GoSpec), 4, d_gospec },
	{ "DocConfig", sizeof(DocConfig), 4, d_docconfig },
	{ "HistNode", sizeof(HistNode), 4, d_histnode },
	{ "HistNode_list", sizeof(HistNode_list), 4, d_histnode_list },
	{ "History", sizeof(History), 4, d_history },
	{ "AuthInfo", sizeof(AuthInfo), 4, d_authinfo },
	{ "CtlLayout", sizeof(CtlLayout), 4, d_ctllayout },
	{ "ProgLayout", sizeof(ProgLayout), 4, d_proglayout },
	{ "PopupLayout", sizeof(PopupLayout), 4, d_popuplayout },
	{ "PopupAns", sizeof(PopupAns), 4, d_popupans },

static int calcsizeof(int ty);
static void checkgctables(void);

// al is power of two.
// round n up to nearest multiple of al, if not already one.
// assume n >= 0.
static int
alignto(int n, int al)
	ulong m;

	m = al-1;
	if((n&m) != 0)
		n = (n+al)&(~m);
	return n;

// v should point at a 2-byte count (possibly
// a "variable" count, with 255 in first byte).
// skip over it, and put pointer to count in *pcnt,
// using -1 if variable and putting offset into *poff.
// return pointer to just after the type.
static uchar*
skipcount(uchar* v, int* pcnt, int *poff)
	int a, c, o;

	a = *v++;
	if(a == 255) {
		c = -1;
		o = (signed char)(*v++);
	else {
		c = (a<<8) | *v++;
		o = 0;
		assert(c < 1000);	// currently bigger than any static array
	*pcnt = c;
	*poff = o;
	return v;

// v should point at type (may be variable length).
// skip over the type, doing sanity checks,
// and return pointer to just after the type.
static uchar*
skiptype(uchar* v)
	int t, t2, c, o;

	t = *v++;
	assert(t >= 1 && t < NUMDTS);
	switch(t) {
	case DTptr:
		v = skiptype(v);
	case DTptrnogc:
	case DTptrnogcnil:
	case DTarray:
	case DTptrarray:
		v = skipcount(v, &c, &o);
		v = skiptype(v);
	case DTptrarray2d:
		v = skipcount(v, &c, &o);
		v = skipcount(v, &c, &o);
		v = skiptype(v);
	case DTunion:
		t = *v++;
		assert(t >= NUMBUILTINDTS && t < NUMDTS);
		t2 = *v++;
		assert(t2 > t && t2 < NUMDTS);
	case DTvunion:
		o = (signed char)(*v++);
		assert((o&3) == 0);
		t = *v++;
		assert(t >= NUMBUILTINDTS && t < NUMDTS);
		t2 = *v++;
		assert(t2 > t && t2 < NUMDTS);
	return v;

// Calculate sizeof one member, whose description
// starts at *v.
// Put size in *psz (-1 if variable size), and return updated v.
static uchar*
calcsizeof1(uchar* v, int* psz)
	int t, t2, n, c, o;
	Descr* d;

	t = *v++;
	assert(t >= 1 && t < NUMDTS);
	d = &descr[t];
	n = 0;
	switch(t) {
	case DTptr:
		n = d->size;
		v = skiptype(v);
	case DTptrnogc:
	case DTptrnogcnil:
		n = d->size;
	case DTarray:
		v = skipcount(v, &n, &o);
		if(n != -1) {
			v = calcsizeof1(v, &c);
			if(c == -1)
				n = -1;
				n *= c; 
	case DTptrarray:
		n = d->size;
		v = skipcount(v, &c, &o);
		v = skiptype(v);
	case DTptrarray2d:
		n = d->size;
		v = skipcount(v, &c, &o);
		v = skipcount(v, &c, &o);
		v = skiptype(v);
	case DTunion:
		t = *v++;
		assert(t >= NUMBUILTINDTS && t < NUMDTS);
		t2 = *v++;
		assert(t2 > t && t2 < NUMDTS);
		for( ; t <= t2; t++) {
			c = calcsizeof(t);
			assert(c != -1);
			if(c > n)
				n = c;
		n += sizeof(long);	// for tag
	case DTvunion:
		o = (signed char)(*v++);
		assert((o&3) == 0);
		t = *v++;
		assert(t >= NUMBUILTINDTS && t < NUMDTS);
		t2 = *v++;
		assert(t2 > t && t2 < NUMDTS);
		n = -1;
		n = d->size;
	*psz = n;
	return v;

// Calculate sizeof type ty using the information
// in the tables.  Return -1 if size is variable.
// The answer should match the size member of descr.
// Also, make various sanity checks.
static int
calcsizeof(int ty)
	int n, k, t;
	uchar* v;

	v = descr[ty].members;
	if(v == nil)
		return descr[ty].size;
	n = 0;
	while(*v != 0) {
		t = *v;
		assert(t >= 1 && t < NUMDTS);
		n = alignto(n, descr[t].align);
		v = calcsizeof1(v, &k);
		if(k == -1)
			return -1;
		n += k;
	return alignto(n, descr[ty].align);

// Do sanity checks on the tables
static void
	int t, n, numerrs;

	assert(sizeof(descr)/sizeof(descr[0]) == NUMDTS);
	numerrs = 0;
	for(t = NUMBUILTINDTS; t < NUMDTS; t++) {
		assert(descr[t].align == 4);	// no doubles in our structures, for now
		n = calcsizeof(t);
		if(!(n == -1 || n == descr[t].size)) {
			trace("problem with gctable for %s:\n", descr[t].name);
			trace("calculated size=%d, sizeof=%d\n", n, descr[t].size);
	assert(numerrs == 0);


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