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Plan9 on Qemu on Windows
#Quick and dirty guide for running plan 9 under qemu Virtual Machine
#in windows xp (and possibly 2000+):
#Required Skill: Advanced: Networking experience is mandatory
# *	Please read through and be sure you know exactly what you're
#	doing. Risks to software content and possibly hardware are
#	plentiful while responsibility are hold none.
#01. Download "", "openvpn-2.0.9-install.exe"
#and "plan9.iso.bz2".
#02. Extract "plan9.iso" and "qemu-0.9.0-windows" to the same
#03. Install "openvpn-2.0.9-install.exe".
#04. Rename the new network connection (found in Network Connections)
#to "TAP_OpenVPN".
#05. Bridge "TAP_OpenVPN" and your WAN/LAN Connection (usually "Local
#Area Connection", should be enabled and has packet changes when
#downloading) - This is done by choosing both connections and then in
#the properties menu choosing "Bridge".
#06. Notice your configurations now reside in the new "bridge
#connection" instead of "Local Area Connection".
#07. Use: "qemu.exe -L -m 128 -cdrom ..\plan9.iso -boot d -net
#nic,model=rtl8139 -net tap,ifname=TAP_OpenVPN -soundhw sb16
#-localtime" to start plan9, this command can be inserted into a
#batch file.
#08. In the VM (referred to as "guest machine") : In the boot options
#choose to boot from the CD or See [installing plan 9 on qemu].
#09. Guest: You can press "return/enter" for the rest of the
#questions presented by in the boot sequence - default will suffice.
#10. Done. Please read through the notes...
# *	Ctrl+Alt to release the mouse from the qemu window
# *	Set up networking using DHCP (good with the bridge explained
#	above and if router supplies IPs (dhcp)): "ip/ipconfig" "ndb/dns
#	-r" "ip/ping address" test by pinging your gateway/router using its
#	ip address, then try a site like which you know will
#	return icmp (respond to ping).
# *	When using acme in qemu with live boot iso, notice that file
#	creation is only possible in /tmp, not even in the /usr/glenda (the
#	user that you log in as) - this will be resolved if you install to
#	hard drive.
# *	Installing to HardDisk: use "qemu-img.exe create plan9hd.img
#	1024M" to set a 1gig Virtual HardDisk, use "qemu.exe -L . -m 128
#	-hda plan9hd.img -cdrom ..\plan9.iso -boot d -net nic,model=rtl8139
#	-net tap,ifname=TAP_OpenVPN -localtime" to boot. You can install to
#	HD or mount the drive and format it to use as you wish, plan9 tends
#	to have a very slow install process in VM.
# *	If you don't actually know how to use plan9,
# has some good info,
# will do even better.
# *	qemu will emulate sb16 which is supported by plan9; however, I
#	was unable to verify its functionality.
# *	Common Issue: the pc halts in different parts of the network
#	configuration process: This is due to other VM virtual nics
#	conflicting with the each other. Solutions vary from disabling to
#	deleting the other VM's nics. In the worst case plan 9 can run
#	without networking, though to what use ?
# *	Common Issue: High CPU Usage: this is not a problem but the
#	result of the qemu normal functionality. If a process on the host
#	machine requires more CPU time, qemu will reduce the load itself -
#	this can be forced by reducing the process priority using the task
#	manager.
# *	Common Issue: "TAP_OpenVPN" always appears to be disconnected:
#	this is a false readout, ignore it as it has no ill effects.
# *	Common Issue: 9P connectivity seems to be broken: firewall,
#	router firewall...
# *	Play around with the res: 800x600x8 and above seems to be more
#	useful for working with acme...
# *	For sound see the qemu readme, I never succeeded though it might
#	have been for lack of trying...
# *	Less questions at boot: Download plan9.flp and replace plan9.ini
#	that with the following (use winimage or mount through loopback
#	device):
##**** plan9.ini content starts here ******
# *	nomp=1
# *	nodumpstack=1
#audio0=sb16 port=0x220 irq=7 dma=5
##**** plan9.ini content ends here *****
#this will reduce the questions to one "press return", the cmd line
#will be: "qemu.exe -L -m 128 -fda plan9.flp -cdrom ..\plan9.iso
#-boot d -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net tap,ifname=TAP_OpenVPN -soundhw
#sb16 -localtime"
#This strategy is unnecessary in hd boot.
#1. Sound.
#2. Boot with no q&a: When not installing but rather using the live
#boot, you are presented whenever you start the machine with a series
#of questions (monitor, res, mouse), I managed to set plan9.ini in
#the floppy image so that only one question will be presented, but
#that is still one question too much.
#3. spellcheck, factcheck, sanitycheck, check to self ;-)
#Ram Kromberg

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